
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Obama "Goes Chicago" Down South

Does our government know what it's doing in Latin America?

President Obama shook hands with Chavez and accepted that poisonous book. He stood against the Hondurans who were trying to protect their constitution, but Edward Schumacher-Matos throws some kudos the president's way. He makes a convincing case that there may actually be some strategy behind what our government is doing down there.
CARTAGENA, Colombia -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez is a liar and a troublemaker. Congressmen and columnists can say this, but President Obama is correct not to do so, even though his critics want a tougher U.S. policy against the Venezuelan.

A testament to the success of diplomatic finesse is that Chávez and his pan-regional socialist dreams have been losing ground in Latin America since the inauguration of Obama and his appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
Ecuador and Colombia are patching things up after Colombia bombed a rebel hideout across the border in Ecuadorean territory, angering that Chavez-allied government. Panamanians frustrated his Central American plans in May by overwhelmingly electing conservative businessman Ricardo Martinelli over the leftist Chavez candidate.

Additionally, Chavez clients in Honduras, Argentina, and Paraguay are suffering political setbacks and Little Fidel Junior's oil infrastructure is crumbling, resulting in less petrodollars to bribe clients with.

He doled out $79 billion last year vice only $6 billion this year, with little to show for it. If he weren't keeping his own people mired in misery to do this, it would be funny. He's sinking of his own weight, and I think President Obama is correct to keep silent and keep his distance.

So, is Tio Sam putting on a happy face while secretly screwing his enemies?

That may just be what we are doing. Throwing some words of support to ousted Honduran President Zelaya, but otherwise keeping out of it, probably provided space for Latin American countries to deliberate at their own pace. There really hasn't been an outcry over the Honduran situation, with criticism being muted if expressed at all. Unlike the Middle East or Central Asia, Latin American governments are generally loath to routinely criticize neighbors or get in their business.

By staying out of the mix and being charismatic, Obama has deprived anti-US leftists their usual target. Meanwhile, he's moving US anti-drug operations into Colombia, angering Chavez all over again, since the Venezuelan Napoleon stands embarrassingly naked and impotent against this pact.

The Chicago Way, Down South

So, kudos to President Obama for flashing that charismatic grin while he twists the knife. It works for him here at home against the hated conservatives, so it's refreshing to see him "Go Chicago" on some foreigners for a change.

Personally, I think any success by this amateurish team can more likely be chalked up to happy coincidence, but either way, the Change happening in Latin America is indeed something I can believe in.


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