
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Drill There! Drill Now!

Far be it from me to accuse an international currency manipulator of dirty deeds, and I certainly wouldn't want to accuse a Chicago politician of political kickbacks, but where there's smoke...

US to Finance Oil Exploration off the Coast of Brazil

Our President is going to lend $10 Billion to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the Tupi oil field, as covered in this short Wall Street Journal article. This gigantic oil field find is great news, and I'm glad we're in on it, but the WSJ rightly asks, why aren't we doing the same here at home?

Soros to Finance Oil Exploration off the Coast of Brazil

Bloomberg reports that George Soros just invested $811 in the same Petrobras on 30 June 2009. He stands to benefit greatly once this massive resource is tapped. He'll get his billions quicker thanks to the Obama administration decision to help fund this project.

He Ain't Scary, He's My Brother
Can you imagine what a hated figure George Soros would be if he were a conservative? A shadowy international currency manipulator, uber rich, powerful, and so involved in American politics. He would be reviled daily by the left. But he hates capitalism (while profiting richly from it) and uses his proceeds to fund socialist propaganda here and abroad, so he's OK!

From a Recent News article lionizing this America-hating globalist for handing out free money:
Gov. Paterson and Mayor Bloomberg joined Soros to announce the payments at Public School 208 in Harlem, where the billionaire reminisced that as a penniless student in London, he survived because of a handout he got from Quakers.

"This gift has a special personal meaning to me, because I was once also a recipient of charity," Soros said in a choking voice. "I'm very pleased that I'm able to repay what they gave me."
This would be a scandal if...
Remove President Obama, George Soros and Brazil. Replace them with President Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Saudi Arabia. Throw in hysterical mention of Halliburton and Blackwater, and we'd have a red-banner, five-alarm, around-the-clock screaming scandal on our hands.
This must be more of that Change they're talking about...

HT to OD

NY Daily News


Redneck Ron said...

I am for this. The Chinese goverment is a becomeing a new power house in the Panama and South America from the money the west and other countries is giving them. The Chinese goverment is locking up the production and exploration of oil around the world becasue of the growing econimic power. These are not individual compaines in pursuit of the a free market but the country itself. HELL YEA!! lock up the oil for the west and don't sell it to them on the open market.

Lord knows they own the hell out of this country now. The new world order is one that country is owned by the world. Wait!! That is way it is now.

Silverfiddle said...

I agree with you. I just think it's funny how the press and the hope smokers see nothing wrong with the Soros-Obama connection

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