
Monday, August 17, 2009

Divide and Conquer

Elect a community organizer president and he will try to become a national organizer.

What President Obama and his activist-followers are engaged in is not community organizing. It is community dividing, creating chaos that splits neighborhoods, towns, cities, and eventually, a nation.

Bussing in rent-a-screamers constitutes an invasion that disrupts a community. Hot Air Pundit has a good example.
HT to Can We Keep Our Republic?

Either way, it's not good. But what did we expect from the community organizer model?

Community organizing is not about reducing poverty and helping people. It is about milking more tax money in exchange for herding the underprivileged to the voting booth and protest rallies. Angry city dwellers are the foot soldiers in this liberal activist army. The last thing the poverty hustlers want is to thin their ranks by making productive, tax-paying citizens of these people.

To keep everybody on the Democratic plantation, people with useless college degrees legitimize societal dysfunction by calling it culture and refuse to be judgmental. They stoke historic grievances to keep everybody in that cage of despair.

So what's the alternative?
Defund acorn, americorps and all the other professional troublemakers. If their model is so good they should be able to get private funding for their activities.

Bring in extra cops and enforce a zero-tolerance policy. It worked for New York City under Mayor Giuliani.

Next, make every minor and every unemployed person go to school. Once they finish school make them get a job. We could facilitate this by enforcing immigration policy so entry-level jobs are no longer the exclusive domain of illegal aliens.

How do you motivate people to get a job? By cutting off food stamps and welfare. You don't work, you don't eat. A little piece of natural law that has worked since the dawn of time.


WomanHonorThyself said...

Community organizing is not about reducing poverty and helping people. It is about milking more tax money in exchange for herding the underprivileged to the voting booth and protest rallies...well said my friend..and it needs to be said!

Maggie M. Thornton said...

Silverfiddle, sometime during the campaign I read a couple of interviews of two women who were fortunate enough to have Barack Obama organize them. I'm kicking myself for not bookmarking those pages. What was I thinking?

One of the things I remember is ferreting out women with quite a few children an no daddy around. First they get the written script. Then they practice the script with the community organizer. Then they are dressed up up in some fine consignment clothing, and they are sent to City Hall, over and over and over. A constant barrage of demands for more services eventually wears down the City Councils and public officials. After all, the poor women have been abandoned - and they have all those poor children.

All of your alternatives are THE solutions. It is so simple. Of course the only obstacle is our corrupt Congress. We so desperately need term limits.

(I'm not disparaging consignment clothing:-)

Silverfiddle said...

Thanks for the kinds words, WHT!

Yes Maggie, Politicians appear to have never heard of Occam's Razor. Parsimony gains them nothing.

Redneck Ron said...

I wish Obama would find his way to new york or chicago and have a town haul meeting. Instead of the rural communities. My curiousity to see what the city folk what ahve to say.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

"Community organizing is not about reducing poverty and helping people. It is about milking more tax money in exchange for herding the underprivileged to the voting booth and protest rallies..." I have been saying the same thing for many years.

Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the goons that make up the NAACP don't give a hoot about their "poor down trodden" brothers and sisters, and neither does Obama. All they cared about was keeping their own down while raking in millions for themselves.

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