
Sunday, March 1, 2009

No Conspiracy, Just a Global Oligarchy

Conspiracies: The US Constitution is our only protection against Global Schemers

I get an e-mail every now and then warning about some conspiracy or other: The
Amero, North American Union, etc. This time it was the Trilateral Commission-Barack Obama connection. Web sites like this one keep the alarm bells clanging by hinting darkly about hidden connections and nefarious plots.

I hesitate to even call these things a conspiracy, because they always begin with a grain of truth and usually follow open, accepted facts through to some logical conclusion. The North American Union really is an ideal espoused by people in Canada, the US and Mexico, including government officials. There really are people who want to subordinate US law to international law and the United Nations.

Unfortunately, many use established facts as a point of departure for the outer limits of the twilight zone where President Obama is a kind of Trilateral Commission Manchurian Candidate under the spell of Zbigniew Brzezinski (Yes, Zbig did so much for Jimmy Carter's success!). Following these maps will veer you off on twisted, scary paths involving gold, secret governments, black helicopters and other arcane subjects.

No Conspiracy, Just a Global Oligarchy.

Yes, we have an oligarchy. The rich and powerful rule the world. I'm not talking the ordinary rich, I'm talking the Davos Men: Mr. Burns, George Soros and Rupert Moloch rich. The world's oligarchs and plutocrats.

Yes, follow the money, but also understand man's basic need to create order out of chaos. That drive is what makes good entrepreneurs and army sergeants. It is also what spurs the moneyed rich to manipulate the global proletariat:

"Look at all those Latin Americans just standing around doing nothing..." (Rich, gray head shaking side to side in disgust). "Send them North! They need cheap labor up there. Those fat, lazy Americans are driving up costs!"

Westerners getting too big for their britches and not listening to their social betters anymore? Saddle them with green guilt and (literally) scare the dollars and Euros out of them with cataclysmic climactic jeremiads. That will put them back in their cowering corner!

The Will to Efficiency

Not all of the oligarchs are wickedly clever or have the entrepreneur's know-how, so they recruit experts to achieve their goals. And they achieve those goals through ordinary, licit pursuits like academic study, commerce, trade and government. This Will to Efficiency leads to concepts like Euros, no borders, one-world legal superstructures, and North American Highways that facilitate cheap transportation of imported goods.

American dock workers demand too much money? Bring the goods into cheap Mexican ports and truck them north.

Throw the bums out is not a viable option

So what's the answer? Overthrow the oligarchy? Of course not. Lenin, Marx and Engels have been discredited. Remember the 20
th century? Throw the bums out just ushers in a worse gang of bums, and the means of production will always be concentrated in the hands of a moneyed few. To paraphrase Walter E. Williams, when has a poor man ever given you a job? Anyway, how do you "throw out" Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller? They're not elected to anything!

Oligarchs want to rearrange the world

Behind almost every conspiracy is a group (or competing camps) of powerful, moneyed people trying to organize the world so they can more efficiently mine its material and intellectual wealth. They want to yolk us to the plow and chain us to the mill wheel and they don't care how many societies they wreck in the process. They live in their own gated global community anyway.

Our Constitution is Our Only Protection

I don't know how to save the world from the beastly tentacles of this global menace, but I do know how to save our beloved United States of America:

Follow The Constitution.

Elect only those that do and vote out those who don't. Judges won't follow that brilliant document? Impeach them!

Do you think ideas like NAU, the UN or other such nonsense are anything new? The founding fathers saw this all around them. They saw what human nature run rampant can do. The only way to protect Americans from the tyrannies of power-hungry oligarchs and nefarious plotting plutocrats was for the various states to create a federal government to protect the rights of the various states and the people.

They did that, but we've wrecked it. We've elected oligarchs to power, or we've allowed our elected officials to abandon dedication to public service and instead become tools of the oligarchy.

They say you can't cheat an honest man. Well, you can't mislead a virtuous people, either. The Constitution is a bulwark against tyranny, but we've allowed the politicians and lawyers to shoot it full of holes. It's a swiss cheese now, and the rats are crawling through, spreading their plague as they go.

I should have voted for Ron Paul. We all should have voter for him.


Red said...

I did vote for Ron Paul. Actually I voted for who he endorsed since he dropped out of the running (disappointing). Instead of voting against who we don't want, we need to vote who we do want and if enough people do that then we shall have a viable third party. After all it wasn't always donkeys v. elephants. I agree with your post. Read the 'fine print'. The finest print ever: The Constitution and know your laws. Vote for those who do and oust those who don't.

Silverfiddle said...

"Read the 'fine print'. The finest print ever..."

I like that. Nice turn of phrase.

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