
Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm in Love with Maureen Dowd

Yes, I'm in love with the Queen of Acerbia. I couldn't stand her when she was skewering my man, George Bush, but now she's the only liberal in the media who dares criticize President Obama. Here's a snippet from her latest masterpiece:
Barack Obama even needs a teleprompter to get mad.
On St. Patrick’s Day, the president spoke a bit of Gaelic, dyed the White House fountains green and talked about his distant relatives in the tiny Irish town of Moneygall, aptly named since money and gall are the two topics now consuming him.
Unlike the John Stewart, David Letterman and the other cowardly comedians on the left, Maureen bravely wields a rapier wit that slashes both right and left. For that I applaud her.

While we're on the subject of criticism, Noemie Emery takes aim at those who sniffed arrogantly at the very idea of Sarah Palin getting anywhere near the White House while hailing Barack Obama as an enlightened version of the second coming:
How right they were to insist that she was unfit for high office. Let’s just imagine what she might have done:
As president, she might have caused the stock market to plunge over 2,000 points in the six weeks after she assumed office, left important posts in the Treasury unfilled for two months, been described by insiders as ‘overwhelmed’ by the office, and then gone on to diss the British Prime Minister on his first state visit, giving him, as one head of state to another, a set of DVDs plucked from the aisles of Wal Mart, a tasteful gift, even if they can’t be played on a TV in Britain. (Note, the Prime Minister, who is losing his eyesight, may even be blind in one eye).
Witty women are so sexy.


James said...

Something similar to your relationship with Dowd is mine with Maher. Mostly I cannot stand the guy but sometimes he throws out some good 'cents'. Such as when he brought Paul onto the show. Anyways, I have much respect for anyone who can criticize their (supposed) idol.

Chicago Ray said...

Silverfiddle you kill me with this column as I hate to admit I've turned the same corner with this woman as I used to rip her to shreds with my witch of the east photoshops and I wrote a column just like this a few weeks ago you can see the similarities in our thinking here, (she's a sweet tart red head too)

Here's a good WAPO piece on her
from 2005 btw

Mo MoDo said...

I love the name 'Queen of Acerbia'. I'm going to steal it for my Maureen Dowd blog someday.

Silverfiddle said...

Ray: You need a special area or link on your blog just for your graphics stuff, which I think is awesome. I love the Dead End sign!

Silverfiddle said...

Ya know, James, I love political humor. The more these arrogant bastards on the right and left get skewered, the better.

What upsets me is witty people like Maher and Stewart only unleash on conservatives.

Silverfiddle said...

Mo MoDo:

Feel free to use it all you want, just credit me so I can cash in when you make millions with it. ;)

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Maher and Stewart wouldn't be witty if they were conservative.

Silverfiddle said...

CP has obviously never heard of William F. Buckley or he never would have made such a gratuitous remark.

But that's beside the point. CP has once again veered off the main point.

These wits are blind in one eye. What cowards.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Buckley was a comedian? Maher is against the national endowment for the arts, he is for a libertarian foreign policy, and if you watch his show you'll see that he hasn't made fun of anybody, but Obama and the people he has on his team.

He happens to want Obama and his policies to succeed, but that's about it.

Much of the same can be said for Stewart.

Silverfiddle said...

WFB was not a comedian, but he had an unrivaled wit.

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