
Friday, September 18, 2009

Chairman Obamao's Little Red Book

The rank condescension, treating us all like children, is what I find most galling about the Obama Administration in particular, and liberals in general.

And then there are the brainwashed masses...

* The hosanna shouting Hopium Smokers in the press;

* The intellectually, morally and financially bankrupt congressional politburo writing important laws restricting the capacity of flush toilets while continuing to worm their way into every corner of our lives;

* And those servants of the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda, the Hollywood celebutards pledging their pathetic, plastic lives to Obama.

They lecture on on things even a moron knows, and act as though they just thought it up themselves

We didn't know how to wash our hands before The Great O entered our lives!

We thank Minister of Hygiene Sebelius for teaching the masses how to cough.

Our children cared nothing for school until the dear leader imparted his words of wisdom and encouragement to them. "Get serious, work hard, sit up straight..."

Wow! What wisdom! How did we ever educate our young before The Big O rolled into our lives?

When they're not pronouncing the patently obvious as though they were Moses descending from Mount Sinai with The Tablets, they spout absurdities:

Expanded health care for all, and it won't add one dime of debt!

Terrorists attacked us from Canada

"Spend our way to prosperity" is my personal favorite. Right up there with Eat Yourself Thin. And if you disagree with The Big O-genda, you're a racist!!!

Enough Already! Shut Up! STFU! I'm tired of your lectures! And so is everybody else who isn't a mushy-headed libtard! So just shut up and leave us alone. Mankind survived before you got here and it will continue once you're gone.

Even Bill Maher (who I grudgingly respect when I'm not wanting to punch that smirk off his face), is fed up:
New Rule: Now that we've answered his call to wash our hands, President Obama must continue to tell us how to live. Last week, when America was faced with the pan-global swine flu omega death plague, the President went on TV and told people to wash their hands, and experts tell us this made a big difference, which augurs well for next month's "National Wipe Your Butt Day." Next week, in a fireside chat, he'll tell us not to put a fork in the toaster.
Maher better watch it. He may find himself on the enemies list next to Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. As for me, I agree with Reverend Gregori: No thanks. I've already got a Messiah.

Janet Napoleon courtesy of Chicago Ray

Chairman Obamao:


Leticia said...

It is almost comical if it wasn't true how blind and ignorant the Left truly are.

They are grasping for straws and as a last resort had to throw out the race card. Hate to burst their bubble, but my family are Hispanic and we do not and never will condone the atrocities being done to this nation by Obama, his czars and administration.

We know how to think for ourselves thank you very much and, like Abouna, NO THANKS! I already have a Messiah, and it IS NOT OBAMA!

Chicago Ray said...

Great post my friend as usual... I love this "Ministry of Culture and Propaganda" ...Perfect!

Must say I agree with Leticia's view as well. :>)

This administration is Hollywood Slick on Steroids plus a pinch of Marxism and Black Panther Party for good measure...

Chicago Ray said...


Dr. Dave said...

Nice to see Maher coming somewhat back to being a liberal; for a moment there, I thought he was becoming the ultimate fascist.

Silverfiddle said...

Maher is a true liberal, which is not an insult.

He can't pass up an opportunity, regardless of which end of the spectrum it comes from, which also makes him a true comedian.

Redneck Ron said...

Funny Chinese Obama but do you realize what is going on around us. China and Russia are now partnering with old freinds and new enemies. They will have this country bent over and contolling us economically. Sounds like a play out of US play book of control. I predict within 10 years we will be weak and under the pleasures of those that control the oil.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Did you hear Michell Obama's lip flap on the Health Care Bill today?

She talked to a group of women, telling them that passing the health care bill is the only way women can truly achieve equality.

I didn't know that passing a government run health care had anything to do with equality? With the Obama's, you learn something new every day.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah, Rev, we never realized how stupid and helpless we were until these people came along...

Chicago Ray said...

You know that's what THEY think and always have...they know what's best (for everyone else, Even Mother Earth!)

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