
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cap and Trade - Your cost: Only $1,761 per Year!

Kudos to CBS News for doing some real reporting!

The Obama administration has privately concluded that a cap and trade law would cost American taxpayers up to $200 billion a year, the equivalent of hiking personal income taxes by about 15 percent.

At the upper end of the administration's estimate, the cost per American household would be an extra $1,761 a year

I think it would be a generous gesture if Nancy Pelosi and her uber-rich guilty white liberal friends, Al Gore and his flock, and Hollywood celebrities would pick up this tab for the American people. After all, they are so much richer than the rest of us, and would it be such a big price to pay, really, to get the Europeans to like us, nay, love us again?

C'mon you rich and famous bastards! Do your part for America! It's patriotic!

These damning numbers were discovered as the result of a Freedom of Information request. The documents were turned over, but CBS notes that they were redacted:

One odd point: The document written by Jaffee includes this line: "It will raise energy prices and impose annual costs on the order of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX." The Treasury Department redacted the rest of the sentence with a thick black line.

The Freedom of Information Act, of course, contains no this-might-embarrass-the-president exemption. You'd hope the presidential administration that boasts of being the "most open and transparent in history" would be more forthcoming than this.

Woo Hoo! It's nice to see some actual reporting again. Thanks, CBS!


Redneck Ron said...

I haven't heard much about cap and trade lately. WOW!! Thought it was temporaryly put rest because of the health care debate. They raise this and they raise that and wo;; have to get on food stamps to eat. if I would qualify.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

This doesn't surprise me at all, because during the campaign, when Obama talked about his energy policy and Cap and Trade, he did say: "Cap and Trade WILL necessarily raise energy costs through the roof." Wasn't anybody listening when he said that? He also said that he will "bankrupt the coal companies." Again, wasn't anyone listening.

That seems to be the whole problem, people heard him when he talked, but they did not listen to what he said. I guess they were too busy getting a tingle up and down their legs.

Luke D. said...

Cap and trade will result in lost jobs and outrageous energy prices. Americans must not allow this legislation to pass. Write to Congress at

Silverfiddle said...

Reverend Gregori makes a great point. This man said he would destroy the energy industry, but millions voted for him anyway.

Luke: Thanks for the link!

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