
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sue Here, Sue Now

Sue Here, Sue Now, is the liberal response to those who support immediate domestic energy production. Once the Totalitarian Trio of President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid is in place you can be sure there will be no new drilling. The OPECkers must be giddy with glee as they look to November 4th.

Sure, Democrats let the drilling ban expire, but it's already raining lawsuits citing protection of polar bears, beluga whales, jumping mice and any other excuse enviro-radicals can get their hands on. The Bush Administration has given ammo to the Dems by making dubious endangered species declarations. So Democrats can say with a straight face they support more domestic energy production knowing damn good and well federal regulations and endless lawsuits prevent it from ever happening.

The Mercury News reports:

The vote Wednesday in the House of Representatives — and in the Senate on Saturday — dismayed environmentalists and delighted oil companies. Yet experts on all sides of the debate say it will be years — if ever — before any new drilling comes to California.

A buzz saw of political opposition, certain lawsuits and existing marine protections all combine to make California perhaps the most difficult place in America to build new offshore oil platforms.

The Totalitarian Trio, backed by radical environmentalist lawsuits, guarantees the status quo: We pay 4 dollars for a gallon gas, transferring hundreds of billions annually to people who hate us, while we sit on a treasure trove of oil and gas. Only a liberal Democrat could devise such a scheme.

Hope and Change, baby...


CKAinRedStateUSA said...

If they keep it up, they'll provoke something for which neither they nor the enviro-wackos are prepared or can handle.

Silverfiddle said...

I hope so.

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