
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's Only Money

We voiced opposition to this bailout so what does the Senate do? It adds more spending to it! Government is not the solution, it's the problem.

Anyway, Medicare and Social Security obligations dwarf the current scheme being cooked up by our Feral Government.
The First rule of holes is to stop digging, but the candyman politicians don't want to hear that.

Little Jimmy Bankster tried to make gold out of lead and failed, so Uncle Sucker comes along, wipes away his tears and stuffs his pockets full of taxpayer money.

Why didn't our government at least try a free-market approach? Lower capital gains to attract capital, lower the corporate tax rate so multinationals can repatriate money made overseas without paying a 35% penalty. Why not insurance and loans instead of handing $700 Billion to the geniuses who cooked up this mess? These are all ideas supported by a rump minority of House Republicans and supported by a host of respected economists, many of them more libertarian than conservative. But they're not as much fun as handing out goodies, and this solution guarantees more political contributions from Wall Street.

Here's one more thought. Why are these bad loans clogging the financial system, freezing up money and credit? Believe it or not, there is a market for them. The holders could sell them right now, "unfreezing" things.

These bad assets are frozen because the holders are waiting for a better deal from Uncle Sucker. Why sell for 25 cents on the dollar when President Bush and Congress will buy them at above-market prices? That's what's got the finance market froze up.

This is a crisis of leadership and of character, and we brought it on ourselves. We cheered on the financial pirates and demanded nothing from our leaders. A Financial crisis comes along and the best these brilliant minds can come up with is to shovel $1 Trillion of government money at it? Our country is being ran by incompetent empty suits and empty heads.

Meanwhile we're cheering for Democrats or Republicans like this is a sporting event. Well, in this game, both teams win and the fans are the losers.

If you're not mad, you're not paying attention.


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