
Friday, October 10, 2008

The Devil's Bagpipes

The Democratic party plays the press like Satan playing his bagpipes.

Germans call Bagpipes a "Tootlesack." That struck me as quite comical when I first heard it from a drunken crowd of German Soldiers I was careening around with down Europe's cobblestone streets. The Scotsman who blew pipes for his British Army unit didn't like it too well though. It looked for a minute like there was fixin' to be a Queen's Own -vs- Bundeswehr throwdown. It all worked out OK because the English-speaking Germans couldn't cut through the angry piper's insults, which were wrapped heavily in a whiskey-soused burr. My Deutsches Freunden couldn't understand the whole bagpipe appreciation thing either. They hated the sound.

Bagpipe music: You either love it or hate it. To aficionados, it is an eerily haunting transport to windswept highlands and a bracing, courage-boosting call to battle. To detractors, it is a discordant clash of wheezes, snorts, and growls, with a bagful of tortured cats thrown in. One of my favorite Beverly Hillbillies moments was when Grannie grabbed her broom and set upon a man playing the bagpipes because she thought he was being attacked by a noisy monster.

The press is the Devil's bagpipes: A discordant hot air powered wailing of multifarious tones and squealings that somehow arrive at an evil, liberal harmony.

When the Democrats crank up Satan's Bagpipes, it feels like we conservatives are being attacked by a noisy monster. Meanwhile, liberals are happily dancing and singing along to the tune. It's their fighting song. It hearkens back to a time when we were all liberal and poor in FDR's America, where men were paid pennies to lean on shovels all day and the Feral Government controlled everything. Bankers were jumping out of windows and the Robber Barons who built our great railways were finally brought low by the great depression.

Why the Devil's Bagpipes? Because Muslims, Christians and Jews all know that Satan cannot create anything; he can only desecrate and pervert what God has created. And he can only do that with human cooperation. If that doesn't describe the press I don't know what does.

The press treats religion derisively, if at all, and believers are portrayed as superstitious buffoons. The only "Religious" people treated respectfully are those promoting gay marriage and other clearly anti-biblical ideas. Hollywood celebutard pronouncements are given the respect due to Moses descending from Mount Sinai.

Our stinking press can't even report basic facts without mischaracterizing them or adding their own little editorial comments. They can't help it: Most reporters have no real-world expertise. They earn a journalism degree and start reporting. Reporters of old at least started from an honest profession and some real-world knowledge that didn't come from radical Marxist professors.

So, am I saying the Democratic party is Satan? No. But The Prince of Darkness is more than happy to blow his pipes for them. So is the press evil? No. Like most of Satan's tools, they are clueless dupes who think they are doing good.

Where's Granny with her broom when we need her?


Anonymous said...

OK Jethro, are you saying the press doesn't do any good? Do you think McCain would help the economy if elected? Maybe the press is helping the right man get elected....

Silverfiddle said...

The press shouldn't be "helping" anyone. They should be reporting facts.

I think it's telling that they have vetted an Ohio plumber more thoroughly than Barack Obama.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess. FOX NEWS must be your only choice for news right?
I do not believe that Democrats control the media. How can you prove this charge?

Silverfiddle said...

I don't watch much news tv, either the balanced or unbalanced kind. And while I'm addressing your DNC talking points, I'll also say my job doesn't allow me to listen to Rush Limbaugh either.

Democrats do not control the media. There's no conspiracy here. Reporters are overwhelmingly liberal and so naturally gravitate towards the Democratic Party. Also, most of the press live in big urban areas which also are more liberal and Democratic. So it's natural their affinities leak out in their writing and in the choice of what they report on and how they report it.

Bernie Goldberg explains it best in his books. BTW, oddly, I find the CBS web site to be one of the least biased.

You can't prove press bias like you can prove that water freezes at 32 degrees. All you can do is look at anecdotal information.

The press has investigated Joe the plumber more deeply in one week than they have Barack Obama over the past two years.

Joe Biden's gaffes aren't news. Sarah Palin's are.

Both campaigns distort, but the press enables the Democratic ones, like McCain's 100 years comment. He did not say 100 year war. He compared a possible future Middle East presence to our presence in Europe. But the DNC distorted it and fed it to a hungry, eager press and the rest is history.

I think you and your progressive buddies are the ones who need to get out of your bubble. Liberals are looking pretty illiberal and doctrinaire these days. I read the NYT and other progressive publications. Do you make an honest effort to get all sides of an issue?

And how did you know my real name was Jethro?

CKAinRedStateUSA said...

Respectfully, the very wrongly named MSM is part of the coalition of liberals and leftists called, very wrongly, the "Democratic Party."

The OMSM knows exactly what it is doing.

And it appears, given the execrable way in which they've behaved in the past few presidential-election cycles, but particularly this one, they really don't give a hoot what anyone thinks.

IMO, they've abused the First Amendment so badly they should forfeit that right.

They, the Fourth Estate, have the responsibility to inform.

But the Fourth Estate, as it operates now, for the most part has become the Fifth Column, traitors to democracy.

Silverfiddle said...

Oh Yea! Lay it on, brother! CKA knows how to cut to the chase!

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