
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Golden Conspiracies

Is the Federal Government planning to demonetize the dollar and replace it with a new Mexican-Canadian-US currency known as the Amero?

Like all good conspiracies, this one is rooted in facts but quickly branches out into wild and wooly territory. Trying to cut through the tangle of information quickly overwhelmed me. Andrew E. Marshall has written an interesting piece on the issue. I noticed his website has articles by Pat Buchanan and America critic Howard Zinn. Odd combination.

There's also some guy named Hal Turner on a Spanish language Google video site flashing Ameros minted and sold by this website that he claims are made by the Denver Mint. The messages responding to his video are all from excited Latin Americans eager for the hated America's immediate downfall.

I don’t know who these people are, but it looks like they’re into gold and post-apocalyptic doomsday scenarios. Could they have some melanoma-related issues as well? I just don’t know…

Here is what I do know:

Businesses hate borders and the petty governments that guard them with their tangles of red tape. Commerce does not like currency exchanges; they are inefficient and act as a tax on trade. So it makes sense businesses would push for a common North American Union and a currency to go along with it.

Governments, believing they could maintain their sovereignty, could even see the benefits of such a scheme. This is especially true since government is infested with professionals plucked from the private sector.

What do I think?

I think this conspiracy stuff is cooked up by crafty devils who make money pitting groups against one another and selling gold to ignorant suckers. Yes, gold should be part of every investor’s portfolio, as the guy on the radio keeps reminding us…

… OK, so the US crashes and pandemonium ensues. How are you going to redeem your shares for the gold they represent? Your broker is face down in a pool of his own blood in some New York Skyscraper. Phones don't work and even FedEx ain't delivering. Looks like your portfolio could have used some reality... So let’s say you actually bought gold coin or bullion. How are you going to spend it? Where are you going to spend it? The neighborhood Safeway? No. It's been looted and bums are living there now. You will be carrying out ad-hoc transactions with scared people, predatory people…

I think we need to pay a little less attention to ball sports and Hollywood and a little more attention to current events and what our government is up to. The forces that move our economy and society are not mysterious, and everything is not a conspiracy. Don’t chalk up to malfeasance that which can be more easily explained by incompetence.

People with ideas make things happen. Sometimes these people have ulterior motives or bad ideas, or both. An educated, well-informed citizenry is the best defense against rotten ideas that violate our sovereignty. And don't forget to stock up on tinfoil...


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