
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bill O'Reilly is a Boob

Everybody has heard about Bill O'Reilly unloading on Barney Frank last week. Although entertaining to some, O'Reilly's rude tirade did absolutely nothing to advance whatever point he was trying to make. He looked stupidly unhinged, making Barney Frank appear responsible and reasoned in contrast. But it helped his ratings, which is all that matters.

Getting to the bottom of an issue is not the point of The Factor or any other TV program. The purpose is to keep us stirred up and watching. It's a soap opera with a never ending string of cliff-hangers. And that's too bad. The nation needs reasoned political discourse, but instead we get verbal WWF. O'Reilly and the rest of the TV blabbermouths are part of the problem, not the solution.

Even a country hick like me knows how to expose the Franks and Pelosis for what they are: Simply ask them to explain what caused this crisis. Don't let them speak in generalities; make them define their terms. Then ask them to logically step us down the line from cause to effect. They wouldn't be able to do it. The first problem would be defining those irresponsible Bush economic policies they keep talking about.

President Bush's only contribution to this debacle was trying to be a "compassionate conservative," whatever the hell that is. As Oklahoma Senator
Dr. Tom Coburn says, it's not compassion if your doing it with money coerced from other people.

No Democrat or progressive has been able make a logical case that "Bush economic policies" or deregulation caused this crisis. They just mumble the words and the press nods its head knowingly. Nobody has asked them to explain this belief.

In contrast, conservatives have made a logical argument explaining how liberal policies foisted on lenders, aided and abetted by Fannie and Freddie, have brought us to this point. Did Wall Street greed contribute? Yes! And conservatives have said so.

Who has the logic, who has the reasoned argument that is supported by provable facts? Only the conservatives. Liberals have white-hot anger and passion. And Bill O'Reilly, face red as a tomato, happily joins them, thereby blowing a great opportunity to expose Barny Frank as the dirty, lying pol he is.

Thanks Bill. Who's looking out for me? It sure as hell ain't you.


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