
Friday, October 3, 2008

Caveman Congress

They caved. Those brave Republicans and blue dog Democrats who squashed the bailout earlier this week caved and the bailout bill passed. A politician just can't pass up an opportunity to "Do Something!," especially when this much pork is involved.

John McCain and the Republicans blew their chance to stand up for Main Street and maybe engineer a conservative comeback this election. They could have made the case for a return to responsible government, but they chose instead to keep their snouts in the trough. They're no better than Democrats, which means they lose this November.

And the bailout will probably have its intended affect. The Washington-Wall Street pirates will end their squalling diaper rash fit and get the finance markets moving now that Uncle Sucker has promised to buy their junk for more than it's worth with your tax dollars and borrowed Chinese money.

But they've shot a fly with a cannon. Yeah, they took out the fly that was bugging them, but they also took out the neighbor's house and deafened everyone in the neighborhood. Meanwhile, they have not addressed the root cause that attracted the flies in the first place:

The pile of socialist excrement created by liberal government snake oil salesmen is still stinking up the yard. And it will attract more flies.

“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
--Albert Einstein


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