
Monday, December 14, 2009


So Tiger's a cheetah and grown men are losing their minds...

From the New York Post:
"I want my money back from Nike for all of this useless garbage that I have spent my hard-earned money on for the past 10 years!" one person wrote on his message board. "They put this person out there and we bought it, and now it turns out he is a lying."
That little foot stamping rant was from an adult...

If you wear a certain ball cap because of your man-crush, or play with the same balls he does, you've already lost yourself.  You can admire a certain trait in someone, or appreciate his special talent, but that's a far as it goes.  Anyone with a grown-up view of life and human nature is not surprised at stories like this.  Disappointed?  Yes.  Sad?  Yes.  But not surprised.  No one is impervious to sin. 

All is Vanity
A Preacher from a long time ago summed it up well...

"Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher,
"Vanity of vanities! All is vanity."
What advantage does man have in all his work
Which he does under the sun?
A generation goes and a generation comes,
But the earth remains forever.
-- Ecclesiastes 1:2-4


DeviledEgg said...

I hate to see a grown man cry, especially when his heart's been broken by another grown man who's been telling him to buy stuff.

Fredd said...

Since that tantrum was from the New York Post, we can all believe it's really a true and accurate report on a big cry baby whining about his trust being violated.

Call me cynical, but I think this is probably a fabricated little story by the NY Post designed to follow the generazl Zeitgeist.

I know some people Americans are idiots, but guys like this would be hard to find, much less quote for a major newspaper.

Snarky Basterd said...

Too funny, man!

"Candle" over my way is a fake liberal! It's a little more obvious when "she" writes a post, but not at all when "she" comments. (It's a he, really.) That's why I invited him to post; he's hysterical.


Snarky Basterd said...

Yeah, and the losers whining over Tiger need to get a life. You know the saying, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Applies equally to bullies and glitterati.

Rob said...

Oh come on, the traits that America so admired Tiger for have not changed - he's still a masterful golfer.

Oh sure, he's up for toolbag of the year award for sleeping around, but really, how many men are truly upset or even surprised about that? Secretly - or in some cases, not so much - most guys are in awe of the guy's conquests. Many Gen Y guys don't even see any problem with Tiger's infidelities - they consider it part & parcel of living the high life. And we wonder why divorce is so prevalent...

Silverfiddle said...

I'm not criticizing Tiger; I'm criticizing the hero-worshipers who go nuts over stories like this.

He is a great golfer, and he will come back, and he and a whole host of sponsors and other celeb cling-ons will make a fortune when that happens.

Rob said...

Oh, he;s worthy of some harsh criticism for being a morally-bankrupt sleaze, but the reason that people idolized him has nothing to do with how he leads his personal life.

It's kinda similar to the Michael Phelps thing. The fact that he engaged in some stupid fratboy-like excesses doesn't diminish his incredible athleticism - it just makes him human.

The whole sports figure hero worship thing has gotten so far askew anyway. They fact that guys who are - let's boil it down - playing a game earn six-digit salaries is evidence of just how out of proportion things have gotten.

But there's a small part of me that says that if these bozos are gonna earn that kind of insane money for playing a game, there's should be an inherent part of the contract that demands a certain minimal standard of conduct. If you can't handle the stress of the multi-million dollar bling bling lifestyle without sucking coke up your schnoz, banging every chick that passes you by, or abusing animals, then perhaps you need to step aside and let someone else who can do so ride the gravytrain for awhile!

Fredd said...


Not to nit pick, but Tiger did not rake in 6 figures last year, but rather 9 figures.

I would have to take issue with your characterization of Tiger's 'insane' compensation, in addition to what kind of dough other superb athletes command. His character issues aside, he commands whatever someone is willing to pay him, and that would be the defacto 'going rate,' and accordingly this amount ($100,000,000 last year) in purse winnings and endorsements is not by definition insane. Nor are the bucks snagged by any elite athlete you care to name insane. They earn what they earn because sports franchises, businesses and fans are willing, if not even eager, to cough up these kinds of bucks.

Not insane. Is he making maybe 1,000 times the amount you make, Rob? Yeah, maybe. And is what he provides (or should I say 'what he used to provide) to us 1,000 times more valuable than what you provide? I think the math is clear on this one, Rob.

Example: how many people would pay to see Rob conduct analysis on a clinical system (I read your bio)? Precious few, if any. What is the value of a clinical systems analyst to society over all? Oh, say $90K a year, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

How many folks would pay to see Tiger win at Augusta? Lots. And lots. And watch him do it on TV? Lots and Lots. What is the value of Tiger to our society overall? I hope you see my point, Rob.

(DISCLAIMER: these figures and this societal value analysis is based on pre-Tiger Gate figures. His current value is now associated with the tabloid press, and no longer with his former corporate sponsors or the PGA).

WomanHonorThyself said...

oh I aint no hero worshipper..except of u of :)

Rob said...

Fredd, if you could go ahead and have a discussion with my boss about that increase in salary, that'd be great!!

Silverfiddle said...

You crack me up, Rob! I guess sense of humor runs in the family.

Fredd said...

Rob: just guessing as to your worth to society. If I, in my own opinion, was to sit down with your boss and discuss your worth, I would posit that it is $0.00 annually, as a clinical systems analyst sounds like gobble de gook to me.

Just let me know your boss's number, and I'd be glad to renegotiate your next year's salary.

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