
Friday, December 4, 2009

Obama and Palin: Two sides of the same coin?

Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.  Both are young, attractive and relatively inexperienced.  Both engender a fervid dedication among devotees and bitter bile in their critics.  And Sarah is catching up to him in the polls. 

Jack Cashill, heroic slayer of liberal myths, has written a brilliant piece comparing and contrasting the trajectories of Sarah Palin and Barack Obama.  No good soundbites, just a solid comparison that leaves the current president wanting while putting Palin in a very good light.

A Neutral View
Chris Good in an Atlantic article asks, How Popular is Palin?  It's standard boilerplate, but I liked this reader post, who offered a less flattering, but probably standard non-partisan comparison:
Jennis Psycho said:
She's about as popular as Obama, and slightly less divisive. Both are in the mid 40s in the reputable polls. 

She's really just Obama's mirror image in a sense, both are largely ignorant and inexperienced politicians with penchants to say ridiculous and divisive things, and what you think about them largely says more about you than them.

Just like if Palin was ugly, if Obama wasn't an attractive African-American he would be Jimmy Carter, and about as popular.
That's bound to make Palinites mad, but they need to take a deep breath and realize that everyone doesn't share their devotion, and all criticism is not a hateful attack.

Kinda like W, I look to The Bible for a bit of political advice:  Test the Spirits

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
-- 1 John 4:1
Palin has entered the arena, so she's fair game.  And if she's as tough and sincere as she seems, she has nothing to worry about.  I like my candidates tested in the crucible of political battle. 

Rick Moran at Pajamas Media had the temerity to write an article critical of Palin, and her fans went nuts, calling this conservative all kinds of names!

Here is my comment:

OK Palinites, political hero worship is what has brought our country to the brink of disaster.

Sarah Palin is a fine woman and has a great record to stand on in Alaska politics. Like any politician in the public arena, she needs to be debated over and tested. It’s called the marketplace of ideas.

If you get testy because someone dares to question some aspect of her, you are no better than an Obamabot.

Lighten up! If Palin is the real deal she will withstand the criticism and prove a formidable candidate in 2012. If she can’t stand the heat, I’d rather find out now.
And screaming RINO! at everyone who disagrees with you is getting old. Scozzafava is a RINO. Rick Moran is a conservative who believes in “testing the spirits” by evaluating arguments and ideas.

If that’s not for you, stop trolling blogs where serious discussion takes place and instead spend your time at fan club sites where everybody agrees with you 100% of the time.
Let her speak

Although I have not made up my mind on this woman, I do get PO'd at the GOP Elitists.  An Ivy League education is no substitute for common sense and strong values.  Just ask the "best and brightest" who crashed our economy or who got us into Vietnam and then stabbed out troops in the back getting out.

This best sums up how I feel about the whole Sarah Palin phenomenon:
"Personally, I'm not sure she's ready to be president, but this is a person who has resonant voice for many Americans who are engaged in our political life and who deserve to have someone speaking for them," said Wilfred McClay, a professor at Pepperdine University's School of Public Policy.
"Anyone who tries to shut that down, particularly by a relentless campaign of personal abuse, is really an enemy of our political system," he said. "They are trying to suppress discourse at a time when we need more of it and not less."  (Washington Times)
Time will tell...


Fredd said...

Sarah is a 'rhino' when it comes to skin thickness: she's better at taking jabs, shots, hay makers and whatever else comes her way than most any other conservative besides Ronald Reagan that I've seen over the last 40 years or so. Compared to her, rhincoceri are thin skinned.

At least the GOP presidential nominee herd has thinned somewhat, now that Mike Huckabee (fair or not) has his own Willy Horton to deal with. Or so says El Rushbo. I'd vote for Sarah Palin despite those awful, horrible, devastating flaws such as her youth and good looks.

Norwegian Shooter said...

First, must be said, I'm no Obamabot. In fact, I can't think of anything good to say about him right now, but probably for very different reasons than you. But any comparison between Obama and Palin that "leaves the current president wanting while putting Palin in a very good light" borders on crankery. I'll read the piece, but I bet dollars to donuts it's not brilliant.

And Jennis is being Psycho: "both are largely ignorant and inexperienced politicians with penchants to say ridiculous and divisive things." WTF! Obama is ignorant and says ridiculous things? That's pure BS.

Silverfiddle, I don't want to provoke a flame war, but Vietnam troops were stabbed in the back getting out, really? Weren't they instead stabbed in the gut going in?

Time will tell that Palin is going to ride her money train as long as it lasts. If if runs out before 2011, she'll jump into the race until she and hop a new train.

Silverfiddle said...

NS: The military in Vietnam was not allowed to fight the war the way they needed to in order to win. McNamara and the President make tactical decisions in the Oval Office, and then Kissinger cared more about a phony balony agreement than victory. It was a bi-partisan screwing.

Obama's stupid gaffes:
Special Olympics comment
bowing to royalty
The "Austrian" Language
Gift to British PM and Queen
Dissing his own country in speech to the middle east (Look it up, Fouad Ajami says it was a big blunder)
Communists and tax cheats in his cabinet

Anyway, my point is not that he's a bumbler, but that there are similarities between him and Palin.

Leticia said...

I will admit a fan of Palin but not to the point of being obsessed about her. She represents a lot of what I believe in. However, I must agree that she lacks military experience.

I truly feel that every, would-be- president, should serve at least one year in the military, they have to understand how it works.

Obama is inept and clueless on how to run a strong military force. We paying for that inexperience as we speak.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

I'm sorry to burst bubbles, but Sarah Palin is hundreds of times more qualified and experienced then Obama could ever hope to be, after all, Palin was the Mayor of a town and then Governor of the State of Alaska. All Obama ever did, was be a rabble rouser ... excuse me, a community organizer and attend communist meetings. The only thing Obama is good at is Lying.

Finntann said...

As an alternative to Obamabot, I prefer Palindrone, which will undoubtedly set many ablaze.

Honestly, I have nothing against Sarah Palin (or Alaska), but serious doubts about her qualifications. Saying that being governor of Alaska is qualification to become president is like saying the mayor of a one-horse town is qualified to be mayor of New York.

My greatest fear is that wallowing in the quagmire of the Obama administration conservitives will grab ahold of anything that appears to float. The last thing we need in contrast to Obama is a populist conservative president.

Snarky Basterd said...

Nothing stirs the pot like a post about SP. She's gold for traffic and debate.

Silverfiddle said...

Yup. She's such an interesting figure.

IKEonic said...

Very well reasoned analysis. Added your blog to my list...

MK said...

All i'd like is for Palin to be given a fair go by all sides, she doesn't need special treatment or to be shielded from tough questions and criticism.

However she hasn't been given a fair go while obama gets the free go. Explains why her supporters are trigger-happy and can be quite passionate.

Silverfiddle said...

MK: Good analysis. I agree with you. I am not anti-Sarah; for me the jury is still out. Is it unfair that she has to fight the liberal press and Hollywood smears? Definitely. But that's the test she must pass if she's going to be the first female president.

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