
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Liberalism Kills

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent
-- Adam Smith

Mike Huckabee is in the news. Back when he was Arkansas governor, his misguided bleeding Christian heart led him to release a criminal who showed his gratitude by killing four police officers in cold blood.  

Blame everybody but the criminal...
The brutal gang rape last month of a young woman at a high school dance evoked the expected response from the San Fran Sicko Cornicle. It's society's fault, poverty, white people, bla bla bla... Blame everyone and everything but the dirty bastards who committed the crime.

Their claptrap is not even worth repeating here. Michele Catalano at Pajamas Media provides welcome disinfectant for this liberal BS. But somebody has to be at fault, starting with the young men who perpetrated the crime.
The culprits are not video games and desensitization. It’s partly the fault of poverty and partly the fault of parents who have lost control of their kids and their own lives. It’s a school district that didn’t provide its students with the security and safety precautions necessary given the circumstances.
Liberalism Frees the Prisoners and Imprisons the Innocent  
Liberalism has failed our society in so many ways, especially when it comes to crime. Dreamy criminal coddling programs of the 60's launched an explosion of criminality that has destroyed whole communities.  

Good people, mostly poor minorities, are prisoners in their homes and schools. Social mores are dictated by the false machismo of street thugs. Young boys want to be like them. Young girls want to be liked by them. It's twisted, in that stockholm syndrome way that abused spouses and children struggle to please the abuser.  

One way to reliably bring down the crime rate 

Zero tolerance. You go Eliot Ness on their asses and haul them off to jail. If they refuse to go you gun them down in the street like the rabid dogs they are. In prison, you take away all exercise equipment and put them on a subsistence diet. You should be walking out of prison a 98 pound weakling, not Mike Tyson. 

If the young wanna-be sees that the path to glory he contemplates is not so glorious after all, he is much more likely to look for something more productive. The specter of death or a stint in prison that makes you not a returning hero but an emaciated loser can be a strong motivator.

Lock 'em Up
Thomas Sowell reminds us that nothing is more effective at reducing criminal activity than locking them up. Dr. Sowell is an expert in statistical analysis, and he points out the obvious: The higher the criminal incarceration rate, the lower the crime rate.  

This is too simple for liberals. Especially the ones rich enough to wall themselves off from the consequences of the dangerous stupidities they foist upon the rest of us.


Fredd said...

Liberals do indeed dream up all kinds of utopian ideals, ram them down our throats, and insulate themselves against the realities on the ground. They hide inside walled communities, hire private security forces armed to the teeth, send their kids to ultra secure private schools, but try to deny the rest of us any of this.

innominatus said...

I'll throw another chip on the pile and say we should actually start executing the guys on Death Row instead of dithering for years and years over bogus appeals.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

The bleeding heart liberals always like to claim that it is NOT Christian to support the death penalty for the most vile among us (isn't it wonderful how the only time liberals care about what is or isn't Christian is only when they think they can twist Christianity to suit their ideas?).

There is nothing in Holy Scripture, O.T. or N.T. that prohibits or condemns the execution of violent criminals. As a matter of fact, in Deuteronomy it says that "murderers and rapists should be put to death because by doing so, there will be less of those crimes in your city."

There are many, including misguided Christians who claim that Jesus did away with that law. FALSE! Jesus said; "I did not come to change the law, not one dot or tittle, rather I have come to fulfill the law."

Leticia said...

Not only did Huckabee, bless his heart, drop the ball, but the courts in Washington who gave that psychopath a $15,000 bond after he had molested or rather raped a 12-year-old girl!

The idiot liberals better wake before they become the victims.

Anonymous said...

Just for the record and for accuracys sake let it be known that Gov. Huckabee did not release this guy. Gov. Huckabee communted his sentence from 108 yrs to 46yrs when he was 16 yrs old. This did make him parole elegible and it was in fact the parole board that released him. I believe Huckabee has to accept some of the blame but certainly not all of it. It is my belief after a careful review of the available evidence and facts that the most blame has to go to the two judges in Washington that set bail far too low while he was being held for raping a child just months ago.

Silverfiddle said...

Rev Gregori: I agree. It is sick how libs cry when some psycho cockroach gets fried, but think nothing of aborting an innocent baby.

Anon: My point is not to bash Huckabee, but to show how liberal policies make us all less safe.

Let's put the blame where it belongs: Those cops are dead because this POS killed them. It's his fault, but feel-good liberalism enabled him.

Finntann said...

Committing the crime is the criminals fault, letting him out after committing crime after crime after crime... it isn't liberal, it's stupid!

Giving a first time offender a chance at rehabilitation makes sense, giving someone with a dozen separate felony convictions another chance is idiocy.

As the saying goes, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.


WomanHonorThyself said...

how twisted is this my friend!!!!

Norwegian Shooter said...

Wait a second, law and order conservatives have been ascendant over the last 20-30 years. Longer mandatory sentences, 3-strikes rules, and more trying children as adults is what has happened. We are the most lock-em-up-and-throw-away-the-key and death penalty Western country in the world. We have the highest crime rate as well. Is that more result of or more in spite of?

If the young wanna-be sees that he can get a decent education and a job, he will much more likely follow that route. That is the liberal prescription and it has never been implemented, so it can't be blamed for anything.

As for Sowell, "the murder rate suddenly doubled between 1961 and 1974." How did the number of young men track in this period? (The baby boom was worldwide, btw) And what about the number of young men returning from Vietnam? I think the young men % of the population about doubled and the later went from 0 to over 2 million. Seems relevant.

Why do you suppose most people who wall themselves off from the rest of the country are more liberal than those who don't? Isn't it the other way around?

Fredd: "Liberals do indeed dream up all kinds of utopian ideals, ram them down our throats, and insulate themselves against the realities on the ground." Bush 43 is a liberal then for Iraq. What's your example?

Silverfiddle, name one person who "think[s] nothing of aborting an innocent baby."

Silverfiddle said...

The crime rate has actually gone down since the 60's and the # of young men did not double from the lat 50s to the 70s.

We have community college and scholarships. If people don't take advantage of it, that's not the fault of conservatives.

Margaret Sanger, the bitchy man-hating president of NOW, and the entire staff of Planned Parenthood, which profits from abortions.

And the tu quoque arguments involving Bush won't work here. I criticize his liberalism as well.

Norwegian Shooter said...

Sowell says "Having declined for decades on end, the murder rate suddenly doubled between 1961 and 1974." That's what we're talking about. In that time, the percentage of young men in the population went from 13% to 19%. Not a doubling, but a huge change in our age demographics. This rapid increase in young males explains most of the rise in crime in this period, not liberal crime policies. Really cool animation of the data at Calculated Risk blog.

Take a kindergardener in a wealthy suburb and one in an inner city. Do they have the same opportunity at getting into at least a community college?

Ignoring the entire staff of PP comment, what's Sanger's quote that shows she doesn't even think before aborting a baby. But more relevantly, name one current politician who thinks so.

My comment for Fredd was also asking for an example. I threw the Bush thing in there for fun. It's not an argument.

Silverfiddle said...

That is a pretty cool animated graph.

You make a good point on the correlation between increase in young males and crime, but the bottom line is that a locked up criminal can no longer practice his depredations on society.

Locking up criminals works. Would some amend their way and be a contributor to society if we gave them another chance? I don't care. I think the families of this pig's victims would also have something to say...

Of course rich people have more opportunity than poor ones, and having engaged parents also makes a big difference. But statistics and odds do not determine an individual's fate. That individual's action do.

Our unprecedented upward mobility shows that people do overcome barriers.

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