
Monday, December 7, 2009

More Minarets

Hirsi Ali is a victim of that potent combination:  Islamic misogyny and European cowardice

Dutch authorities were helpless to protect her when she dared criticize the religion of her abusers, and other European countries piddled down their legs and declared her persona non grata rather than defend classical Western liberalism.  This "Feminist Freedom Fighter" overcame it all and now lives in America.  Europe's loss is our gain.

Love the Religion, Hate the Political System 
She has written a brilliant piece on the Swiss minaret vote.  Her central thesis is that the vote is a rejection of political Islam, not the religion itself or its adherents.

Here are some clips:
What Europeans are finding out about Islam as they investigate is that it is more than just a religion. [...]  it prescribes a way of life. 

Islam is an idea about how society should be organized: the individual's relationship to the state; that the relationship between men and women; rules for the interaction between believers and unbelievers; how to enforce such rules; and why a government under Islam is better than a government founded on other ideas. 
The Minaret is a Symbol of Islamist Supremacy
These political ideas of Islam have their symbols: the minaret, the crescent; the head scarf, and the sword. 

The minaret is a symbol of Islamist supremacy, a token of domination that came to symbolize Islamic conquest. It was introduced decades after the founding of Islam.

In Europe, as in other places in the world where Muslims settle, the places of worship are simple at first. All that a Muslim needs to fulfill the obligation of prayer is a compass to indicate the direction of Mecca, water for ablution, a clean prayer mat, and a way of telling the time so as to pray five times a day in the allocated period. 

The construction of large mosques with extremely tall towers that cost millions of dollars to erect are considered only after the demography of Muslims becomes significant. The mosque evolves from a prayer house to a political center. 
Next comes getting the non-compliant women under control, killing the fags, harassing the Jews, and all the other community activities of intolerant religious chauvinism and bigotry.  

We don't have the same problems with Christianity or Judaism because these religions influenced the founding of Western Civilization and shaped its growth.  Islam stands apart with a different tradition.  Were it just a matter of people worshiping at a mosque, there would be no problem.  But the clash of civilizations begins when angry, arrogant  newcomers agitate to change our way of life.


Christopher said...

This is so factual and if Americans would open their eyes and ears they could see and hear this happening all over our landscape.

Here in MI there is a 2.5 sq. mile (postage stamp) city called Harper Woods. Right next to their City Hall sat a small non-descript building where people gathered. Then one year,BAM,a large gold dome and minaret appeared.

Not to far away,in Hamtramak,a historically Polish-Catholic community, Church bells were silenced in favor of Obamas favorite song- the moslem call to prayer bellowing out over loud speakers.

Silverfiddle said...

It is chauvinistic triumphalism.

That's funny, "Obamas favorite song- the moslem call to prayer bellowing out over loud speakers."

Reminds me of when I was stationed in the Middle East. In Kuwait we'd hear the call 5 times a day. My Marine buddy Seth called it "The Kill Whitey Song."

Fredd said...

I think your buddy Seth misheard the title of that beckoning song. I believe it's actually called 'Death to Whitey,' but the confusion is understandable.

If the progress of Islam in our midst continues at its current pace, my 8 year old daughter should get ready for the following changes within a genration or two:

1. She will likely not be allowed to choose the color of her bhurka, unless she likes black.

2. If she is caught with an ankle showing from underneath the bhurka, she will not be able to pick and choose which size stones are hurled at her during her stoning.

3. Allah forbid she wants to obtain a drivers license. Some of the Faithful have had their hands cut off for lesser offenses.

MK said...

"We don't have the same problems with Christianity or Judaism because these religions influenced the founding of Western Civilization and shaped its growth."

Exactly right, there is real separation of church and state. Not so with islam and incidentally with leftism as well. Both ideologies do not give you the freedom to choose to stay away from them. Both demand that you bend to their will whether you believe in them or not.

Leticia said...

MK, stated it perfectly, " Both demand that you bend to their will whether you believe in them or not."

And those that oppose will be put to death so in retrospect we will be hunted down and killed for dissension.

Not a pretty picture.

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