
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

DC Gangstas Cornering the Energy Market

Rampant economic ignorance allows DC shysters to pluck us like chickens

Wonder why we're trapped in a fiscal nightmare (and getting deeper)?  Crap like this is why...
WASHINGTON (AP) - Two senators on Friday offered yet another approach to tackling climate change, proposing the government sell pollution allowances to industry to cut greenhouse gas emissions and then use most of the money to send tax-free monthly checks to every American.

The "dividend" checks, estimated to average about $100 a month over nearly two decades, would be aimed at offsetting the higher cost of energy.

The proposal by Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., and Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine...
Free Money!!! 
... and millions are stupid enough to fall for this latest piece of DC flim flam.  Shake down the energy producers, causing them to pass the increased costs onto the consumer.  Next, bribe the consumer with checks so they look the other way while the feral government continues the shakedown scam.

Take dollars away from people in the form of higher energy costs, then send us dimes, while the rest of the money sticks to the fingers of shifty politicians.  If anyone other than a politician tried this they would be prosecuted for fraud.



Leticia said...

It is way beyond sickening of what this government is capapble of.

I hope you and your family have a beautiful and wonderful Christmas in celebrating the birth of our Savior.

Fredd said...

This idiocy sounds very similar to the 'window pane insurance' sold by goombas in Philly to local Ma and Pa store owners, and the pitch went something like this:

Goomba: "Dat's a real nice, big window youse got dere, Ma an' Pa! I'd be a shame to sees it get broken, know what I mean? But we got dis here policy dat will protect yer window from dat sort o' ting. Only a hunnert dollars. A month."

Ma and Pa: What happens if we don't pay this 'premium?'

Goomba: 'Den da boaf a yuz' ('the both of you' in Philly-ese) are not gonna like what happens to yer window pretty soon. Not like it at all.

Silverfiddle said...

Yeah, Fredd, mafiosi look upon our government with envy.

Merry Christmas!

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey Silverfiddle! SWEETEST HOLIDAYS to u my friend..big NY hugss!!! xoxoxox

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