
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hoping for Change in 2010

Our clueless federal government is intellectually, morally, and financially bankrupt

I have three thoughts on this health care bribery and corruption porktacular slouching through senatorial Gomorrah, but they all involve long strings of profanities, so I'll share these three instead:

Constitutional Buffoons Crapping Down Our Chimneys
Ed Morrissey at Hot Air has written an excellent summary on the constitutionality of this stinking heap of communist excrement Harry and the Pelosicrats are crapping down our chimneys just in time for Christmas.  Too much to summarize here.  Go read the whole thing; it is rich with links to smart people who are prepared to challenge this court.  There is hope!

Harry Reid, Mass Murderer
"We've got to get this done!" is the urgent cry of the power-mad progressives.  "People are dying!"

OK.  This bill doesn't kick in until 2014, so Harry will kill over 200,000 people in the interim, points out Larry Holland at ResistNet:

Earlier today Harry Reid whined that every 10 minutes 2 people die in this country because they have no healthcare. 

Rush did the math and asked this question, If 2 people die every 10 minutes because of no healthcare, then by 2014, when your healthcare bill takes effect, you Harry Reid, will have allowed 200,445 people to have died because you made amendments that will not allow them to have healthcare til then!

2010:  Year of Bankrupt Governments
Ralph Peters, an articulate and patriotic veteran I greatly respect, says 2010 will be the year of the bankrupt government.  He lists countries like Greece and Dubai, and includes states like New York and California.  Here's his conclusion:
What of our own country, with its soaring debt, congressional irresponsibility and an administration whose No. 1 priority is expanding unaffordable entitlement programs? Draw your own conclusions. (Source:  NY Post)
Indeed.  If ever there were a time crying out for change, it is now.


jadedfellow said...

Hey Silverfiddle,

Praying you have a good CHRISTmas.


Silverfiddle said...

Amen brother! I've been keeping the Christ in Christmas for over 40 years! (that's why I purposely put "Xmas" on the Harry Reid picture. Don't want to mix the holy with the profane)

jadedfellow said...

Hey Silverfiddle,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but laughing my a-"obama,reid,pelosi"-ss off is making it hard to type.

Love yah, in a non Kevin Jennings way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



jadedfellow said...


If you don't hear from me for a couple of weeks, it's because I split a gut and the MD's are covering their Obama's these days.

Snarky Basterd said...

We'll take this thing back, Silverfiddle. Mark my words. Their time is over. Our time is just beginning.

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