
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Obamamania Hangover

Liberals are decrying the fact that Obama voters are not "staying engaged."

The Hopium smoke has dissipated, the buzz is wearing off.  Obama voters are shaking the haze from their brains and getting on with their lives...

"It's one thing to get excited about a presidential candidate. It's another thing to become a responsible citizen," says Jennifer Donahue, political director for the New Hampshire Institute Of Politics. She and other political analysts thinks they have yet to prove themselves.

Reality Sets In
He sees a lot of young people getting lost in the details, or bored by them. Or like a lot of us, they're more focused on their own worries, such as getting a job or paying off mountains of student loans.

Maybe it's just that people have real lives, real jobs or real college classes to pass. Regardless, the aging hippie vanguard that now indoctrinates our children on campuses all over America insists that Obama must keep the kids engaged.
Some say the president also could be doing more to engage this demographic that was so key to his early success.

"I think young people do have clout, and I think it's a mistake if he doesn't use them," says Mary Ellen Balchunis, a political science professor at LaSalle University...
This is what's wrong with America:  Too much politics, not enough real-life.  Must everyone and everything be politicized all the time? It's one thing to get excited about a campaign, and quite another to be a 24/7 political activist. Somebody's gotta pay the bills and the taxes.


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