
Friday, September 25, 2009

Does it Smell Like Hope in Here or Did Somebody Just Cut One?

The president went to the international freakshow at the International House of Corruption and Scandal Wednesday. A day when the Mad Dog of Maghreb Qaddafi foamed at the mouth for over 100 minutes.

So here's a question. Which egotistical potentate stood up at that international improv and did the following?

... casually embraced the consensus view that the US engaged in torture?

... applauded the idea that the USA must strip itself of all nuclear weapons?

... bragged that his country had joined torturers Cuba and Saudi Arabia on the UN "Human Rights" council?
Here are a few direct quotes:
No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold.

The traditional division between nations of the south and north makes no sense in an interconnected world. Nor do alignments of nations rooted in the cleavages of a long gone Cold War."

"wealthy nations that did so much to damage the environment in the 20th century"

"The United Nations does extraordinary good around the world in feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and mending places that have been broken."
* He forgot to mention raping victims of war and famine in Africa, and stealing food from the mouths of Iraqis during the Hussein regime. -ed.
Of course, Barack Obama, the Jimmy Carter for the new millennium, said these things.

One wag observed that if some foreign leader had given that speech during the Bush, or even Clinton years, our delegation would have walked out.

And from the depths of his wisdom and vision, he brought forth this daring statement of the obvious:
Today, I put forward four pillars that are fundamental to the future that we want for our children: non-proliferation and disarmament; the promotion of peace and security; the preservation of our planet; and a global economy that advances opportunity for all people.
Propaganda Minister Gibbs later came out and announced Obama was also for blue skies, rainbows, and a pony for each child of the world. He also released this statement by the president:
"To achieve a nuclear free world we must eliminate nuclear weapons. Peace can only happen if we end war. Air, food, and water are essential for human life."
And did you hear what Venezuelan tin pot dictator Hugo Chavez said during his speech?
Mr. Chavez looked around him at the green-marble podium and said, "I don't smell sulfur anymore. It's gone. Now, it's the smell of something else -- it's the smell of hope. You have to have hope in your heart."
Don't you feel better now that this assembled rabble of torturers, perverts, rapists and international scam artists has finally greeted an American president with thunderous applause?

President's Speech to UN
Rich Lowrey - President's Speech


Leticia said...

I still cannot figure out why this egotistic narcissist still has devoted followers? Did they just go brain dead?

It is so hard not to hate that man, truly difficult. I do hate what he is doing and saying about our beautiful nation.

Silverfiddle said...

Leticia: I'm with you. I don't understand his motivation. What's his end game?

Getting applause at the UN just puts him in a bad light as far as I'm concerned.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

Did you hear his latest LIE during his press conference following the G20 Summit this afternoon? He said, and I quote: "I support a free market system." If that statement were true, then why is he dead set on government take over of health care, GM, Student Loans, banks and insurance companies, etc.

What made it worse was that Fox interrupted the Glen Beck Show to put that liar on.

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