
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Can Charity Resolve Our Health Care Dilemma?

Here's a though-provoking article, especially for conservative Christians who practice charity but oppose more government intervention in health care...
President Barack Obama's appeal to members of the clergy to support government-funded health care for all demonstrates a basic misunderstanding of the references to "keeping" one's brother and sister, the elderly and aliens.

This never was the king's responsibility. Rather, these commands are the responsibility of each individual according to the dictates of conscience and ability for the purpose of cultivating personal compassion, gratitude and community — things a trillion-dollar bureaucracy never could achieve. (Read Full Article)
STL Today - Kevin Horrigan


Redneck Ron said...

I beleive there is hole in this theory. Your getting into community organizer thing again. I beleive there are good christian organzitions the wouild do good work but there are those christian organziations that pray for money on TV. Now would be happy to have their prayers answered. A christian badge doesn't stop greed or corruption.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

As an Orthodox Catholic Bishop, I can honestly say that it was Jesus' intention for people to be "forced" to give to the poor or anyone else. He wants us to care for the poor but is must come from the heart.

For some one like Obama, to dictate to members of the clergy or any one else, as to what their moral responsibility is, is totally ludicrous. For a man who claims to be a devout Christian, but who supports abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and some one who hasn't graced the inside of a church since his inauguration, has absolutely no right to dictate to others what their moral obligations are.

If Obama and the liberals were really honest, they would admit that they are not really interested in providing health care for the poor, their main intent is the total take over of our health care system which would give them more control over our lives.

As far as illegals go, when I hear Anglican and Roman Catholic priests and various Protestant groups claim that it is our Christian duty to help, aid and abet illegals because "that is what Jesus would do," I get mad as hell, because no where in Holy Scripture have I ever read that Jesus advocated the breaking of laws or in abetting those who do.

It seems to me, back when I was growing up, before liberalism gained a foot hold over everything, including our lives, that religious institutions and organizations were doing a damn good job of helping the poor and a lot of Catholic hospitals took in the sick and poor. Once the government stuck their nose in and took over, everything went to hell.

Most Rev. Gregori said...

CORRECTION: That first paragraph should read;

As an Orthodox Catholic Bishop, I can honestly say that it was NOT Jesus' intention for people to be "forced" to give to the poor or anyone else. He wants us to care for the poor but it must come from the heart.

Silverfiddle said...

Thanks for the words of wisdom, Rev Gregori.

As my favorite senator, Dr. Tom Coburn says, It's not charity when you reach into other people's pockets to help someone.

I also share your frustration with how religious people have framed the immigration debate. If you look at the issue clearly, what we are doing is actually immoral:

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