
Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Kennedy Lectures The Pope on Catholicism

Has any single family done more to damage the cause of Catholicism in America than the Kennedy clan?

Let's see... Bobby and JFK, married men, taking turns with Marilyn Monroe. Fat Teddy killing a woman. He couldn't help it, he was drunk at the time, and he was too busy saving his political career to save her life. Then there was that inbred retard nephew (Kennedy Scion, I think the press called him) who killed a girl by bashing her brains in with a golf club...

Now comes Kathleen Kennedy Townsend to carry on the family tradition. This time, it's just words, no sleazy sex or lurid murders. She must be one of the classier ones.

Townsend stupidly declares in Newsweak magazine:

"Barack Obama represents American Catholics better than The Pope does."
This statement itself is nonsense, since Catholics do not believe The Pope represents them. They believe he represents Christ here on earth. As such, he is the guardian of what Jesus passed on to the disciples, charged with the duty of faithfully teaching those under his care.

She goes on to excoriate the church for stubbornly refusing to cave in to popular opinion on women priests and gay marriage. Obama is soooo much more enlightened!

Here's my favorite excerpt from her article. Talk about a tangled up ball of illogic:

Yet polls bear out that American Catholics do not want to be told by the Vatican how to think. Despite the rhetoric of love and truth, the Vatican shows disdain (if not disgust) toward gays. But 54 percent of American Catholics find gay relationships to be morally acceptable, according to a 2009 Gallup poll.
Why be Catholic (or any religion) when you disagree with the basic tenets? Are they crazy? You "don't want to be told what to think" by The Vatican? Then stop listening! This is America! You won't have your toenails pulled out by Torquemada for denying the faith.

Even more ridiculous is her proposition that religious leaders should rewrite church doctrine and basic moral beliefs based on public opinion. This is just new-age self-worship.

The Catholic Church believes it is carrying out the true teachings of Christ as passed down through the ages from The Lord Himself, through Peter and his successors to the present-day leaders. They believe themselves to be the faithful guardians of this deposit of faith.

This is a grave duty, and anyone so charged who attempted to modify God's law would surely burn in hell. Bishops on such an existentially important mission will not be swayed by random new-age blather from left-wing kooks in the US.

Can we stop referring to the Kennedy's as "American Royalty?" They're looking more like court jesters.

MRC - Matthew Balan
NewsWeak -Another Kennedy Blatherskate


Canadian Pragmatist said...

The issue of allowing women to become ordained priests and allowing priests to marry is actually dogma, and not doctrine I believe. The Pope could on the basis of popular opinion and his idiotic understanding of the bible change that sort of dogma.

Aside from that, it may be allowed that someone call themselves an atheist (like me), but not politically. I wish the day would come when Obama, The Kennedy's and you may be surprised how many republicans could come out of the closet, but that day has not yet arrived.

There are still too many people who believe that if you're not Christian you have no morals and no values and should not be given the vote, even for city councillor.

So, I guess there is freedom of religion, but like free speech, a lot of Christians try to limit with boycotts (like the boycott of Bill Maher's HBO show "Real Time" when he made fun of the Pope) not giving people a chance at their vote, etc... which for all intensive purposes do put restriction on freedom of religion.

For people with fish and lambs as their symbols of faith, you'd think they wouldn't be so carnivorous, but they are.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Is this your way of keeping the sabbath holy? Writing about the pope and god on sunday?

Silverfiddle said...

CP: You're close, but you've got Dogma (unchangeable) and Doctrine (changeable) switched around. True, male priests and celibacy are church disciplines that could be changed at any time.

I am not criticizing non-Catholics or non-Christians. I am criticizing illogical people who call themselves Catholic and then imperiously declare that the pope can't tell them what to do. It's not logical. Being Catholic doesn't gain you any special privilege in this country. In fact, in some parts of the country, its a mark against you, like Mormonism. Religious bigotry sucks.

I'm afraid there's probably some truth to what you say about Christianity being a kind of sine qua non of American politics and that many politicians use it just to get elected.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Oops, yah I did mix it up. You haven't gotten to free will yet on your other blog. I'm pretty sure that's catholic dogma.

I believe you once wrote that you have explored the depth of your faith.

Silverfiddle said...

I am not qualified to treat the subject of free will in the abstract.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Why not? Look it up on wikipedia the stanford encyclopedia. I guarantee that after you read those two sources you'll be as well qualified as anybody.

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