
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Michael Steele -vs- Liberal Progagandists

Michael Steele wrote a beautiful critique of the liberal Democrats' porkulus bill in USA Today.

Of course, the comments forum was visited by the mushy headed thinkers who eat the Democrats's socialist propaganda and crap it out on the rest of us:

out there wrote: 21m ago
Like always Steele gets it wrong. The GOP gave away 1.3 trillion dollars in tax cuts under Bush most of it geared toward their rich friends. The end result is the current financial mess that we are in. It seems that they never will learn from their mistakes. For good measure the GOP is now trying to rewrite the history of the great depression of the 1930's in an effort to mask their mistakes of today. Sorry Steele but the GOP has never understood the American economy and never will. Tax cuts are not the answer. It is not possible to run this nation on a 1930's tax rate. What we need is jobs and the only way to make jobs is to spend money. We also need national health care which would go a long way towards helping out American bossiness. It's time to spend our taxes dollars on us instead of the massive spending on defense. It's time we learned to get along with the rest of the world and them with us- in other words GROW UP

Here is my response. Not surprisingly, out there, never responded back. These liberal graffiti artists spray their unintelligible blather and run like hell so the logic police won't nab them:

Out there: Please show the correlation and causation between tax cuts and economic failure. The answer is you can't. Cutting taxes and freeing the private sector has worked everywhere it has been tried. Government controlled economy has worked nowhere.

Your liberal propaganda sounds good but crumbles under scrutiny.

Government make-work jobs, like in the 30's, kept people from starving, which was a good thing, but it did not rebuild the economy. The economy did not recover until FDR loosened government control over everything and let the private sector do what it does best: Create real jobs and grow a real economy.

Our free market system works until Dems like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd get in bed with Fannie, Freddie, and the Wall Street banksters, exempting them from government regulation. Look it up: Wall street has given overwhelmingly to the Democrats over the last 8 years. Follow the money!

Our failure is a moral one, and the liberal democrats led the way into oblivion.

Who do you blame for wrecks on the interstate? President Eisenhower for implementing the interstate system? How about automobiles? Do you blame the interstate system itself, or do you blame those who don't follow the rules of the road?

Yes, it is time to grow up and stop believing everything you hear just because your guy said it.


Anonymous said...

It seems in deed that Mr. Steele is doing a fine job.


Silverfiddle said...

I think so too, Ohio Joe. Steele better watch it though. He scares them almost as bad as Sarah Palin did, so they'll do their best to discredit him and do him in.

navyvet48 said...

Excellent post. I have a lesbian daughter who voted Republican. I have been touting Mr. Steele for some time now. She said she was a little put off at first by him, but now she adores him. She is a history afficionado (has a degree in it as well about to start her masters degree) and feels that Mr. Steele is the true Lincoln and MLK JR...she says he is the man that has become the true torch bearer.

Silverfiddle said...

Navyvet48: Thanks for the positive comments. I have been railing against the cultural jihadis on both sides who hijack government for their own ends. The purpose of government is not to push a social or cultural agenda; it is to guarantee everyone's freedom to practice their God-given rights.

Your daughter is anecdotal evidence of what I have been advocating for a long time: The GOP needs to focus on constitutional principles and adopt a more charitable, and libertarian attitude toward fellow conservatives who may not conform to their strict social views

And I am a dedicated Christian.

GOP Trinity For Success

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