
Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Religion of Darwinism

Canadian David Warren has written a brilliant piece cutting Darwin down to size.
The Darwinian account is merely belied by the fossil record, which has provided none of the inter-species "missing links" that Darwin anticipated, and which instead yields only sudden radical changes.

But "Darwinism" survives, especially in the English-speaking world, not as a quaint historical theory, but rather as a cosmological doctrine. The hard-core Darwinist is a "religious atheist," whose faith in the non-existence of God is anchored in the unshakeable conviction that everything in this world that looks designed and purposeful will eventually be explained by random, gradual, purely "natural" (as opposed to supernatural) processes. And he defends himself by the method of the hedgehog: for when attacked he rolls up into an impregnably tautological ball.
I won't spoil his brilliant and surprising conclusion. Go read the whole enjoyable essay at Mr. Warren's website.


bobxxxx said...

The Darwinian account is merely belied by the fossil record, which has provided none of the inter-species "missing links" that Darwin anticipated, and which instead yields only sudden radical changes.

Books have been written about the countless "missing links" which are no longer missing.

Why don't you google Tiktaalik and google Maiacetus.

Then why don't you stop spreading lies about science? Is that asking too much? Just stop lying.

bobxxxx said...

After you get done studying the fossils you never knew about, please take a look at this 10 minute video which describes some of the evidence for evolution from molecular biology.

Please click my name to see this:

You could spend the rest of your life studying evolutionary biology but you would never be able to study more than a fraction of it. Apparently you would rather spend your time spreading lies about something you know nothing about.

bobxxxx said...

Intellectual Honesty (Always)

Really? I've seen no evidence of any honesty on this blog.

This is called lying and you should be ashamed of yourself. I suggest next time check your facts with a real biologist.

The Darwinian account is merely belied by the fossil record, which has provided none of the inter-species "missing links" that Darwin anticipated

Please click my name again for more information about Maiacetus.

Also, I hope you understood the video about ERVs. It's a simple concept, but I have noticed creationists are not too good at understanding anything. I suppose if they could think for themselves, they wouldn't invoke their Magic Space Man so much.

Silverfiddle said...

I have consulted biologists, and there is no scientifically acceptable evidence for "missing links."

I recommend you go read this:

Then go read this:

See how this works? I see your PhD and raise you one.

The difference here is that I don't foreclose on the possibility that Darwin could be right.

Unfortunately, your crowd has too many dogmatists and unquestioning followers. Very unscientific.

Sounds like I touched a sore subject with you. You know what they say, never discuss religion with "true believers."

Silverfiddle said...

Oh, and Darwin doctrine doubting isn't just for religulous kooks anymore!

Free your mind.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Give me a break Silverfiddle. This isn't a contentious issue for scientists to not to 'foreclose' on. This is over and done. Evolution wins. Maybe not exactly how Darwin had in mind, but evolution nonetheless.

This sort of thing discredits all the rest of your 'scientific' opinions on climate change, etc...

Silverfiddle said...

CP: There are still too many missing pieces to the puzzle, my friend.

Finntann said...

Again, the argument is not about evolution or natural selection, the argument is about origin.

And Bob... would we be more intellectually honest if we simply kept our mouths shut? Seriously your response to any challenge to your firmly held scientific beliefs, is all too much like the Church's response to Galileo... we are in your mind no more then heretics.

Creationists are not too good at understanding things? Spreading lies about something you know nothing about?

Wow! What an advanced intellectual argument you make. Makes me want to chant "Sticks and stones...". Confronted with a rational dispute on your 'precious' beliefs you resort to childish putdowns. My what a pillar of analytical thought you are.

You really ought to give your own gospel some more thought, as evolution and natural selection are not the answer to the question of creation, but simply posit another question.

Don't be lazy, think, question!

the end of darwinism said...

» the end of darwinism

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