
Saturday, February 21, 2009

On Star Meets Big Brother

Now the federal government want's to tax you by the mile.
WASHINGTON (AP) - Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn—an idea that has angered drivers in some states where it has been proposed.

The system would require all cars and trucks be equipped with global satellite positioning technology, a transponder, a clock and other equipment to record how many miles a vehicle was driven, whether it was driven on highways or secondary roads, and even whether it was driven during peak traffic periods or off-peak hours.
Can you imagine the hysterical liberal outcry if the dreaded Bush-Cheney regime had proposed tracking your every vehicular move with GPS? But it's OK since the Democrats are doing it...
LaHood said he firmly opposes raising the federal gasoline tax in the current recession.
Of course! Why raise taxes when creating new ones is so much more fun? Ray LaHood is living proof that an Illinois Republican is just a Democrat by another name.

Oops! Looks like the White House has already shot this one down. What are those inscrutable liberals up to? Hmmm...

Blogger buddy Chicago Ray thinks he has the answer. Being from crooked Chicago, home of the corrupt Democratic machine, he is a highly trained Democrat watcher. Check out his take here.


Chicago Ray said...

Thank you sir, and I do maintain that's the old Chicago and statewide dem pay for play construction angle goin' national. Works here for them and the R crook Ryan started it.

Russell said...

there's little question that lahood's statement was coordinated with the white house. does anyone really think some two-bit cabinet member like lahood would propose such an outlandish scheme without first going through the white house? no freaking way.

the post turtle's (obama, for those that don't know) response serves to show him as a less fanatical liberal. this is definitely part of the current white house playbook. it's pretty transparent, but i'm sure it will serve its purpose with at least a few of the dumber voters & mainstream media members.

as for their ultimate goal, i think it's to raise gas taxes. the gps thing is pretty far-fetched, even for moronic liberals (i hope). but i can easily see them transitioning from the gps fake-out to a steep increase in the federal gas tax.

Anonymous said...

Stupidity!!! Sounds Canadian!!! REdneck Ron

Finntann said... I hear the ominous rumble of a 454 with dual quads, hooker headers, glass packs, and a 4:11 rear?

Why not... screw mpg... I like the sound of it? That would put gas down under a buck a gallon.

Although given that liberals can screw up a wet dream, they'd probably leave the existing tax/gallon in place on top of it.
The Bahstahds!


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