
Tuesday, February 10, 2009



It's congressional math; the house passes an 819 billion dollar stimulus bill which it then passes it on to the senate, after 108 billion in cuts, the senate passes an 838 billion dollar stimulus bill. Go Figure! My only question is to Michael Steele... Can we kick Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter out of the party?

Seriously though, may I take this opportunity to point out our wayward members a few key points of the Republican Party Platform.

Constrain the federal government to its legitimate constitutional functions.

Spend only what is necessary, and tax only to raise revenue for essential government functions.

Today’s Democratic Party views the tax code as a tool for social engineering. They use it to control our behavior, steer our choices, and change the way we live our lives. The Republican Party will put a stop to both social engineering and corporate handouts by simplifying tax policy, eliminating special deals, and putting those saved dollars back into the taxpayers’ pockets.

The entrenched culture of official Washington – an intrusive tax-and-spend liberalism – remains a formidable foe, but we will confront and ultimately defeat it.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Nuff said?



Silverfiddle said...

How many people would even know what is in the 10th Amendment?

Good post, Finntann.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Obama said in Florida today that they should hold him accountable. If this stimulus package doesn't help boost the economy they can hold his feet to the fire.

He even told them not to re-elect him for his second term.

I think we've gotta wait and see on this one. If the economy does end up getting better in aa couple of years would you guys admit he kew what he was doing?

Silverfiddle said...

This is a trillion dollar socialist grab-bag disguised as stimulus.

If this fails, he and the dems will not take responsibility, no politician ever does. They will blame it on Bush.

But that's all speculation. All we can do now is wait and see...

Chicago Ray said...

Nuff said....Great headline and post to accompany it. Good ol Gubmint/ those three left stooges led by Specter the traitor should be certainly excommunicated and then exe****.

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Well, that is speculation. He said that people shouldn't elect him again if the economy doesn't take off.

People won't anyways. If after four years everything is as is still, people will vote for someone with a completely different philosophy.

Finntann said...

CP... let me ask you a question:

Have you ever seen the economy not recover?

So you want me to credit him with what is inevitable anyway?

How about this, natural recessions and adjustments in the economy generally last between twelve and eighteen months, we're about twelve months into this one, so say if things haven't turned around in six months it's his fault? Actually I'll give him until next January.

Actually, I don't think the economy is as bad as the doomsayer's screaming the end-is-nigh! My personal opinion is that they are blowing it out of proportion in order to justify their spending.


Canadian Pragmatist said...

I think you're being a little bit facetious. This is not just an 'adjustment'. If you think it is...

Why don't you give him credit if the economy picks up before the end of 2010, and there are better social programs, education, health care, etc...

That's the crucial thing everyone with any sense takes into account and you guys do not. It's not just about the economy recovering, democratic presidents have always made life easier for poor and middle class folks. Taxes aren't everything. Quality of life, and not having to sit on your deck with a shot-gun is something worth spending tax money on.

That there is some eternla principle which is being broken is just ideological non-sense.

Yah it's a media conspiracy. It's really not too bad. They make up the unemployment figures as they go.

Finntann said...

Personally, I'd rather see a society that offers the opportunity for the poor to become middle class and the middle class to become rich, than one that keeps everyone fat, dumb, and happy where they are with handouts and populist appeasement programs. We would be far better served by free education than free medicine.

Mark my words, unfettered government spending on pie in the sky social programs is going to kill this country, it's currency, and it's economy. We are returning to pre-Reagan tax and spend liberalism and soon enough will be experiencing double-digit inflation and double-digit unemployment, and mark my words on this too... these assholes will blame Bush for that too!

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Well, I think you're wrong about all that. They'll blame Bush only if it appears to be his fault, and it's hard to say that it isn't today. Anyways, Obama asked for people to judge him by the positive or negative effect of his policies, especially the stimulus package.

Fat, dumb and happy is a false characterization of what liberalism is about. That liberals want poor people to be taken care of (to the extent that it is possible in a social-democratic state)... doesn't mean anything but that. Economic fairness is not the same as socialism. Making sure that black people have the same chances white people do, and that poor kids have the same chances rich kids have is not about keeping people "fat, dumb and happy".

I don't know exaclty what you mean by free education, but for the most part all educated people are liberals. If you look at the top PhD programs in the US and ask the candidates their political views, a slim minority will say conservative or libertarian.

And appeasing the populus is what democracy is about. Maybe not appeasing so much as pleasing. And until people are able to see through 'Joe The Plumber' and other stupid propagandist talking points, they will continue to vote against their own economic interests, and against human decency (gay rights, women's rights, racial equality, economic fairness/equality, etc...).

Calling people who vote in their economic interests stupid is telling. It's ideological propaganda.

I mean, study after study is finding that quality of life is vastly improved during democratic as opposed to republican administrations.

Although, people like you feel more like cowboys during republican administrations which is not taken into account.

Finntann said...

I think the fact that Barack Obama is President of the United States makes your argument black people having the same chances as white people as moot, and while I can think of a lot of black politicians I'd vote for before I'd vote for Obama, I can also think of a lot of black politicians I'd vote for before John McCain.

For the most part educated people are liberals? ROFLMAO

I don't know how it is in the great white north but using cnn's 2004 statistics:

Non-HS R:49% D:50%
HS Grad R:52% D: 47%
Some College: R: 54% D:46%
College Grad: R: 52% D: 46%
Post Grad: R: 44% D:55%

First, you make the mistake of equating education with intelligence.

Second, the percentages in post-grad studies could possibly have more to do with the decidedly liberal bias of American Universities than any indication of rational choice.

The 2008 results are even more interesting:

No HS R:35 D:63
HS Grad R:46 D: 52
Some College: R:47 D: 51
College: R:48 D:50
Postgrad R:40 D:58

It would seem a higher percentage of people with no education voted for Obama, while the numbers among educated persons are more evenly split, again with the post-grad rate higher for Dems. The numbers don't support your hypothesis.

Explain then, why uneducated and post-graduate persons more closely align than those of a general and college education level?

By the way, the odd deviation at the post-graduate level is termed the ivory tower syndrome. My personal experience (and most of the people I associate with are college educated) is that those with post-graduate degrees tend to be narrowly focused within their own specialites and pretty much out of touch with everything else.

I don't call people who vote their own economic interests stupid... I call them selfish, and I have supported political positions that were directly detrimental to me on principle.

Study after study? Shows that quality of life is better under democrats? What studies? Whose quality of life? You paint generalities with a might broad brush unsupported by fact.

I vote issues based on principles, I do not vote party politics, and I will split my ticket to vote for who I consider the best candidate for a position, democrat or republican. My initial response to Obama was positive, and gradually shifted back to McCain as the lesser of two evils as Obama refined and defined his positions.

It's hilarious that you accuse the Republican Party of indecency against women, gays, and blacks... do you really think that the 95% of black males and 96% of black females voted that way based on the issues? They voted race, plain and simple, the numbers are too far skewed towards Obama for any other accounting.

You want to play with statistics? How about this one: The younger (less than 30: 66%), less educated (No High School Diploma: 63%), poorer (under $15K: 73%)and less experienced (first time voter: 69%) a voter was, the greater their support for Obama.

Says alot, doesn't it?



Russell said...

does anyone seriously think the media will dump on the post turtle and not bush when things go badly? the post turtle already laid the groundwork: "i walked into this mess." the idolatry of the media towards him is simply unbelievable. the russian state media can't compete with our supposedly free MSM. and you think they're going to lay the blame, any blame on him? get real.

the problem with any economic recovery that might take place is that it will have dumped the difficulties into the future. there's no getting around the debt that is being created to finance these temporary jobs and liberal fantasies. now, if you can wrap your twisted, northern, socialist head around that you'll see that they're trying to get us out of a problem caused by excessive borrowing...with more borrowing. that might work in the short term, but all they're doing is creating another bubble that will also burst. if it was so easy to spend out way to prosperity, we'd never have reached the state in which we currently find ourselves.

Anonymous said...

There will be jobs generated by this and extened unemployment benefits "that will help my family". There will be jobs created but where? The construction of new schools will benefit local cummunites that will not have there taxes raised and help with infrasture which will not raise local taxes. But there are those items that will not help out either. ENDOWMENT FOR THE FREAKEN ARTS.. ONLY IF THE TICKETS ARE FREE AND LIVE IN FREAKEN NEW YORK!!! BULL CRAP AND WHAT IS THERE A NEED FOR NEW GRASS FOR WASHINGTON MALL? Wait we got gun ownership because of the liberal idiots from DC. LET THEM ROLL IN THE DIRT LIKE THE PIGS THEY ARE. Redneck Ron

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