
Thursday, February 26, 2009


The 3.55 trillion DOLLAR Obama budget, with additional projected spending of 390 billion, and the already passed trillion dollar bailout gives us an unprecedented 5 TRILLION dollar orgiastic spending frenzy never before seen, and that is with such creative accounting methods as a 750 billion dollar home mortgage industry bailout that is only put on the books as 250 billion because the government thinks it will get 500 billion back... eventually. Not only are we spending like crazy but this all pushes the deficit to 1.75 trillion dollars, four times the Bush deficit and twice the previous post-war record.

How are we going to pay for all these pie-in-the-sky programs? Socialized Medicine, Socialized Education, Socialized Mortgages (if Obama's "Hail Caesar" pseudo-State of the Union Address is any indication). We are resorting to a fine American tradition of slavery. Obama's plan is to repeal the previous Bush tax cuts (but only on that despised class of people... those who work hard) for those earning over $250,000 a year, returning the top bracket to 39 percent. If you make $250,000 a year, and work an eight-hour day, that equates to three hours of free labor for Big Daddy O! You work, he takes it all. How's that for involunteering? Even at more modest incomes significant portions of YOUR labor will be for someone else, and with no compensation. Think I am exaggerating?

Slavery: A form of forced labor where a person is compelled to work for another. Slaves are held against their will deprived of the right to leave, compensation, and to refuse to work.

Still think I am exaggerating? Try not paying your taxes and you will see how far in bondage you really are.

But it doesn't really matter... carbon emissions are at an all time high, the ice caps are melting and the seas are rising... we have climate change. Don't worry though, Big Daddy O's gonna take care of you. The government is going to set carbon limits, a reasonable act if you reasonably believe that we are all doomed if we don't change our behavior. But wait... it gets better:

While setting carbon limits, the government is going to sell you exemptions... to the tune of 645.7 billion dollars. Carbon emissions are apparently bad, unless of course you can turn a twisted socialist profit from them. This is described as cap and trade, apparently the government sets limits on carbon emissions by business or industry. If you exceed your emissions, no problem... there is a company somewhere out there that didn't meet theirs... so, get this... the government then takes the unused portion of the other company's carbon limit and sells it to the company that is exceeding theirs. Interesting concept, only three questions: If I am the company that purchased say 2000 tons of carbon emissions and only used 1000 tons... do I get money back? And two, what kind of incentive am I under to reduce emissions, if you are only going to steal that reduction and sell it to someone else? Third? If carbon emissions are really all that bad, does this really do ANYTHING? After all, both companies are still emitting the same amount of carbon.

Might be kind of a harsh analysis, but today, while listening to the radio, I lost all faith in humanity. Listening to a discussion between Sean Hannity and some 24-year old female college student regarding socialized medicine, education, child-care, transportation, and housing the following summary question was put to the woman who was defending her position that the government should take care of those in need:

"So what your saying is that the government should give health care, education, child-care, transportation, and housing to those that need them, (caller agreed) and that in order to pay for all this the government should take the money for all this from those with the capability to pay? (caller also agreed)".

What is most horrifying about this exchange is when it was pointed out that this was a paraphrase of Karl Marx's "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need", the young, presumably educated caller did not know that this is an essential principal of Communism, nor did she even know who Karl Marx was.




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