
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

U.N.: Useless Nobodies

Abuses Persist as UN Human Rights Declaration Turns 60

Some headlines need no further explanation. Regardless, I can't miss an opportunity to heap scorn on the pathetically useless and rotten, corrupt organization known as the United Nations.
UNICEF is the only entity that has done any good, and Lord only knows how many children were abused in the process by the sick molesters this International House of Perverts seems to attract like flypaper...

So what's the state of human rights around the world 60 years after this corrupt dictators club promulgated their famous declaration?

Bloody, avaricious tyrants run their personal fiefs in Central Africa. Millions are displaced and tens to hundreds of thousands are raped and killed in lovely garden spots like Sudan, which has the blood of Darfur on its hands. Homosexuals are persecuted and killed in the Middle East, while women there fare only slightly better as long as they know their place. Journalists rot away in the dungeons of China and Cuba...

But what do you expect from an organization with such humanitarian luminaries as China, Cuba, and Saudi Arabia on its Human Rights panel?

Hot air and pompous declarations are meaningless.
The only way to stop bad people is with better armed good people. War has never solved anything except for ending slavery, fascism, communism...

Peace Through Superior Firepower!


Canadian Pragmatist said...

Arrrrrg... You're a real man.

Silverfiddle said...

Having seen some pretty sad stuff in my time, I really wish we lived in a world where everybody followed the rules and refrained from injuring, torturing and killing one another.

Alas, it's but a fantasy...

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