
Thursday, December 4, 2008

College: Somebody's Gotta Pay Big Ed

Google News link groupings can provide an instructive contrast. Here's the latest concerning college costs.

The Mercury News brags that California has the lowest college costs in the US. Californians are complaining that the state is raising per unit costs from $20 to $30.

Meanwhile, the Houston Chronicle scolds Texas for getting an F in college affordability. 47 other states also got an F. Do you think the organization handing out the grades might be biased?

Would it be churlish of me to point out that California is a bankrupt failed state while Texas is a well-governed model of economic success? Neither news report said anything about that.

Here is the current state of college costs, again courtesy of the Mercury News:
Nationally, college is getting less affordable every year... Overall, tuition increased 439 percent from 1982 to 2006, while median family income increased 147 percent and the consumer price index 106 percent, the study found.
When is Congress going to drag college administrators before its pompous committees and demand Big Education stop gouging the consumer?

Finally, here's a link to a hilarious look at the 10 Most Worthless College Degrees. Warning: Offensive language! Somebody's Gotta Pay


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