
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thank You Hollywood

Hollywood is a giant jobs program for those unfit for real life. Where else could drug-addled bums like Woody Harrelson and Sean Penn put on eyeglasses and suddenly become an environmental expert or a foreign policy scholar?

Thank you Hollywood for employing the otherwise unemployable. Were it not for you, the welfare lines would be much longer, unemployment higher, and my wallet lighter due to the tax increase it would require to sustain these ignorant bozos. A $10 movie ticket or $40 concert ticket is a small price to pay to keep these beebee brains off the government dole.

Could you imagine Lindsay Lohan or Snoop Dogg trying to count change at the 7-11? Eddy Vedder or 50 Cent working at a mens clothing store? Barbra Streisand should be in Synagogue every Sabbath thanking God for her voice. If she had to live off of her brains she'd be broke.

Charlie Sheen advocated kook 9/11 conspiracy theories because "it feels like a conspiracy." Famed metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell gave her audience a physics lesson, explaining how fire had never melted metal. I'm sure there were a lot of steel workers scratching their heads over that one.

Matt Damon is the latest Hollywood circus clown to play political commentator. He touched on the "sexy mom as president" theme, which shows you where his adolescent mind is at. He also worried about Palin's ability to stare down Putin.

Yeah Matt, having a big game hunter who took down her own party elite face off with the Ruskies is really risky. Better to go with the effete metrosexual with a messiah complex who wants to be everybody's friend. That would be much better.

So, thank you Hollywood. Thanks for the laughter you bring us when the rancid anti-American movies you grunt out are met by empty theaters. Thank you for the freebees you throw our way in the form of some glittery, plastic surgery moron trying to lecture us from her pulpit on the Larry King Show. Their stupid pronouncements keep us in stitches.

But most of all, thanks for keeping these dregs of society off the streets and giving them a safe place to shoot up and feel good about themselves. Only in America could such worthless bums rise to such prominence but still thankfully be of no real consequence.

God Bless Hollywood and God Bless the USA!


Anonymous said...

Yes, while it is true that Matt Damon has not joined the Republican wild-eyed Palin worship committee, he remains a better conservative family man than 99% of all so-called conservatives.

By the way, Sarah P will not be "facing down the Russkies !" I'd like to remind you once again, she is running for vice-president.

Poor poor John McCain, his own party has pretty much thrown him under the Palin bus ... he is actually the presidential candidate, in case you've forgotten.

Silverfiddle said...

Damon was the one who brought up Palin facing Putin, so take it up with him.

I think Hollywood worship is a bigger problem than any Palin worship, but thanks for stopping by.

And you're surprised a 40 something woman is generating more excitement than a 72 year old man?

Anonymous said...

Yes, we do not worship Mrs. Palin, we admire and respect her. It is not just her good looks and hockey stick that is causing Palin Mania, it is her policies and her wisdom which is causing Palin Mania.


Silverfiddle said...

Well stated as usual by Ohio Joe

Yanni Znaio said...

"One of the hardest things to remember is that a man's merit in one sphere is no guarantee of his merit in another. Newton's mathemtics don't prove his theology."

Aldous Huxley, Point Counter Point

Silverfiddle said...

A fellow Huxley fan! So true, Yanni.

Yanni Znaio said...

Thanks, and thanks for stopping by HotelSierra.

Silverfiddle said...

Yanni: I've got it bookmarked:

Good stuff!

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