
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Racism 2008

I find most articles about race disturbing. This one from Breitbart is no different. An AP-Yahoo survey supposedly reveals that 33% of white Democrats are racist. Here's how they define racist: of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks—many calling them "lazy," "violent" or responsible for their own troubles.
Note how they group "responsible for their own troubles" with the obviously racist beliefs "lazy" and "violent." This is how they get a higher percentage of "racists."

Saying "blacks are responsible for their own problems" is not racist. It's expressing a belief in personal responsibility. The first step in problem-solving is to recognize a problem exists and take responsibility for it. No one will look out for you better than you look out for yourself. Millions of successful people who rose to success from poor or unfair circumstances can tell you that. They didn't wait around for a community organizer or government program, they just picked themselves up and moved on.

There are too many successful people of color for someone to claim that race is keeping people down. The only thing "keeping blacks down" is the steady diet of race resentment fed to them by liberals who have a financial or emotional interest in keeping the natives on the reservation.

The absurd questions are another reason to detest these pot-stirring polls.
Among white independents, racial stereotyping is not uncommon. For example, while about 20 percent of independent voters called blacks "intelligent" or "smart," more than one third latched on the adjective "complaining" and 24 percent said blacks were "violent."
So the pollsters ask people to select adjectives to describe (stereotype) all black people (a race), then accuse the respondents of racial stereotyping. By the way, those who call blacks "intelligent" or "smart" are also engaging in racial stereotyping. This is junk science at its worst.

Another reason for not liking this stuff is that it is naked propaganda. The not-so-hidden message is that we are all racist sinners, but we can expiate those sins by voting for Obama. Doing otherwise is to persist in our sinful ways. The forced conclusion: If Obama loses, it will have nothing to do with his being more liberal that the majority of Americans. It will be because America is racist.

So tell me again, how does all this improve racial relations?


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