That should be the first words out of any reporter or citizen’s mouth upon hearing any proposal from any politician. They sure are the first words out of a wife’s mouth when hubby comes home and announces he’s buying a new bass boat.
Responsible people make financial decisions based upon a budget and try not to spend money they don’t have. We should demand the same from our elected officials.
We are in debt, big time. CBS interviewed the Comptroller General of the United States last year, and he didn’t paint a rosy picture of our fiscal future. And that was before the Wall Street welfare queens disguised as brave capitalists got drunk on greed and wrecked the nation's financial engine.
An awesome place to educate yourself is at http://www.federalbudget.com We are facing a fiscal crisis but the Washington candyman keeps offering us more. Quote from the we site:
In Fiscal Year 2006, the U. S. Government spent $406 Billion of your money on interest payments to the holders of the National Debt. Compare that to NASA at $15 Billion, Education at $61 Billion, and Department of Transportation at $56 Billion.Election season is here. Candidates should be arguing over who will reduce this debt and how. Instead they continue offering us goodies. Here's my only question to the candidates:
How are you going to pay for it?
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