
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Liberal Fantasy: McCain Caught on Tape

John McCain was caught on tape talking to a roomful of working class Americans at a VFW Hall in Hogeye, Arkansas yesterday, and it wasn't pretty. News outlets quickly pounced, noting excitedly that he had dropped all bipartisan pretense.

"These urban liberals, they cling to their bankrupt liberal orthodoxy and lattes, sneering at everyone who doesn't think like them because they are scared. They think anything outside of city limits is a lawless backwoods free-for-all where toothless hicks and barefoot pregnant women roam around in gas guzzling pickup trucks shooting anything that moves, for heavens sake!"

Loud clapping or stamping obscured his next comment that seemed to mention ACORN, cigarette and booze bribes, voter fraud and dead people voting. "Friends, my friends..." He paused to let the noise die down, then began again.

"They prefer their squalid liberal cesspools of high taxation and high unemployment, insisting imperiously that progressive paradise would be ushered in if only those stupid country hicks would stop voting Republican."

The audio is then overwhelmed by outbursts of laughter and hoots of approval from the small, enclosed crowd. The last part of the recording is partially indistinguishable:

"(inaudible) ... piano lessons,... millionaires... pay for their own damn college bills...hard working Americans!" "...Proud of our country..." (more hoots and yee-haws)... (Break)

I really shouldn't listen to Bill Bennett's Morning in America on the way to work... Thanks to caller Dr. Marty for the idea.


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