
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jesus Was a Carpenter

"Jesus was a community organizer, Pilate was a governor."

This bit of wisdom comes from the same liberals who excoriate President Bush's prayers, denigrate Sarah Palin for living her religion, and routinely ridicule "right-wing Christians." I won't even mention their casual antisemitism cloaked in criticism of Zionism and "Neocons."

All I can say is, welcome to the club. Now, what would Our Lord and Savior say about your unqualified support for abortions, including leaving babies who survive them to die?

This near-blasphemous nonsense is the work of desperate Obamaniacs caught in the grip of Piddle in the Pants Palin Panic (known as P4 for short). The Bible calls Jesus many things: Christ, Lord, Messiah (sorry O-Man, Jesus was there first), but community organizer is never mentioned. Not even The Almighty escapes this crowd's desperate, grubby misappropriations.

What is a community organizer? Depends on who you talk to. Near as I can tell, they spend government grant money in pursuit of... More government grant money! Here's Michelle Malkin's take:
With benefactors like Obama in office, ACORN (a left-wing community organizing bastion) has milked nearly four decades of government subsidies to prop up chapters that promote the welfare state and undermine the free market, as well as some that have been implicated in perpetuating illegal immigration and voter fraud.
The Chicago Sun Times has a more charitible view:

Community organizers come into poor neighborhoods and try to get people knocked down by life back up on their feet.

They tell them where to find jobs, where to send their kids for day care, where to get drug counseling.

They show residents how they can organize to protest poor housing conditions, low pay and other inner-city woes.

Are there really people so helpless that they need someone to tell them where to find a job or a babysitter? There comes a point when training wheels do more harm than good.

I can tell someone how to protest crummy housing, poor neighborhoods and no jobs: Move!

Think I'm being callous? I've been there. The factories were shutting down when I graduated high school. No future in my hometown, so I moved on (with a push from papa Silverfiddle).

Liberalism doesn't provide that push. Instead it encourages the oppressed and downtrodden to wallow in their misfortune (and vote Democrat) instead of just getting up and moving on. This situation does provide employment opportunities though... for more community organizers!

It's called a self-licking ice cream cone...


John the Baptist said...

Everyone knows that Jesus was a neo nazi con like the rest of you assholes, right?
Please don't write anything else about Jesus - you, like most Amerikaners, are clueless regarding His real nature.

Silverfiddle said...

Jesus came before the Nazis, so I don't see how he could be a Neo Nazi. Maybe you meant to say proto Nazi.

I can tell by your limited vocabulary and poor reasoning skills that you must be a victim of our public school system, so I'll cut you some slack. Maybe you need a community organizer?

Care to support your comments with some logic and reason?

I realize that petulant, diaper rash rants are applauded among your fellow leftists, but we require actual cogent statements over here.

You say we're clueless? Please enlighten us.

Silverfiddle said...

Logic to a angry lefty is like kryptonite to Superman...

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