
Monday, September 29, 2008

Barack Obama's America

This is Barack Obama's America: An America where ACORN, La Raza and his fellow community organizers demand home loans for people who cannot repay them.

This is Barack Obama's America: Congress caves in to the leftist agitators and passes laws that force mortgage lenders to abandon prudent, time-tested standards, creating bad debt and collapsing our financial markets.

Wonder what an Obama presidency would be like? We have a taste of it right now: Liberal politicians conspiring with Wall Street banksters to drive our nation into penury. And all in the name of "helping people" by building a Socialist utopia.

We don't need to call him a closet Muslim or accuse him of not being a US citizen. That only makes us look like kooks. Established facts alone can be his undoing.

A guy named David Deming really flames Barack Obama in an opinion piece in the
Edmond Sun. Mr. Deming's criticism sticks to basic facts is is very effective. Here are a few highlights:

Obama disdains large swathes of American Culture:

Nothing exemplifies Obama’s antipathy for American culture better than his statement that Americans “cling to” religion and guns out of frustration or bitterness. We only can suppose that Obama regards religion or firearms as aberrations that need to be eradicated.
Obama sat for 20 years in a church where the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr preached “goddamn America.”
Obama is an empty vessel into which enraptured followers pour all of their hopes and dreams:
What is Barack Obama for? His campaign motto is “change.” But even a 6-year-old child understands that “change” can be either good or bad. Lacking specifics, the invocation of “change” as policy is completely empty. As we witness Obama’s minions mindlessly endorse the meaningless maxim of “change,” it only can call to mind the barnyard animals in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” chanting “four legs good, two legs bad!”
David Deming is an associate professor of Arts and Sciences at the University of Oklahoma. If you want to see what good, effective criticism is, go read his opinion piece.

The ideas that Barack Obama believes in are what caused this financial crisis.


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