
Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Liberal Mess

So I'm trying to get down the mountain last Friday after a great day of skiing in fresh powder, and stupid people are getting in the way by causing multiple multi-car pileups, closing the interstate in both directions.

These arrogant, idiot drivers were scrambling to get back to their liberal sanctuary city that put Obama over the top in this state. OK, maybe they weren't all Obamabots, but when it comes to elections, I believe in collective guilt.

The roads were extremely slick and I, along with the other sane drivers, was doing about 30 and maintaining a good distance between me and the car in front. Had everyone stuck to this plan, we'd have all made it down in about two hours. But no... The entitled progressives driving Land Rovers, Subarus, and various Lexi voted with their accelerators for suspending the laws of physics, imperiously zig zagging through traffic. So these dingbats rushing back to their liberal utopia bollixed it up for everybody by causing about 25,000 car wrecks in the span of 20 minutes.

It normally takes 1 hour (2 hours in bad weather) to get back to the Sodom and Gomorrah at the foot of the Rockies, where I turn off and head for God's country. Thanks to these impatient progressives who long ago became untethered from reality, it took over four hours as we waited for the authorities to clean up the mess they caused.

This reminded me of Michael Medved and Helen Thomas. You know Helen Thomas, the incredibly old and incredibly liberal White House reporter. Well, she was asked in an interview to explain her liberalism, and she replied that, "well, we're all born liberal."

Michael Medved had a wonderful riposte. I'm paraphrasing from memory, and probably embellishing, so my apologies to Mr. Medved:
Of course we’re all born liberal! As babies we expect someone to pick us up and suckle us when we cry. Eating, like every other pleasure, comes with no effort. Babies don't have to earn anything, they pay for nothing, but they deserve everything. Babies pee, poop, drool and spill wherever they want because someone else cleans up the mess. Puke down the front of your shirt, pee your pants, poop on the carpet; no responsibility, just gimme, gimme, gimme! It's a fantasy world of padded guard rails, warm swaddling, and adults sacrificing mightily for your comfort and safety. A liberal paradise.
Yes, liberals and babies have a lot in common, and all the adults can do is clean up the mess and move on, after a four hour delay.


Anonymous said...

Check out the movie "Idiocracy" that touches on just your point. Its hilarious and a great social commentary.


Anonymous said...

The big difference between babies and liberals is one is innocent and one is not. Can you differentiate the two?

Silverfiddle said...

Libs are no more innocent than I am!

SteveH: Thanks for the tip. Idiocracy is #1 in my Netflix cue. It's by Mike Judge, so it's gotta be good. Hmm Hmm, Heh heh, Mike Judge Rules! Umm yea, he said rule, hehe...

Canadian Pragmatist said...

How do you knoe the drivers were liberals? Don't liberals drive hybrids?

Silverfiddle said...

Libs probably do drive hybrids here, but you don't see that many. Subaru is the car of choice, I've been told. I've seen "Change" stickers on such gas guzzlers as Hummers, Ford Expeditions, and those big Cadillac SUVs and the half truck/half car things.

My favorite though, is those cars with Pro-Life license plates and an Obama bumper sticker.

Unlike their European cousins, many liberals here don't actually put belief into practice other than voting.

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