
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ted Kennedy's Legacy: Death and Destruction

I'm not jumping on that bandwagon singing the bloated gas-bag's praises. I will not join the crowd of conservatives tripping over each other to laud the limousine liberal (being rich is bad, unless you're him). I'm going to speak ill of Fat Teddy before he dies. My mom always told me to never speak ill of the dead, so I'm getting my licks in now. I wish him health and a long life; but I also strongly criticize his horrible record. Michael Savage has cataloged the "Liberal Lion's" sins at his website. It's a must-read.

* Why is it that those who believe Dick Cheney shot a man in Reno just to watch him die, don't know the name Mary Jo Kopechne?

* Kennedy opened the immigration floodgates

* He's anti-gun, pro flag burning, pro same sex marriage. If he's fer it, I'm agin' it! And vicey versy!

* He has fearlessly and vociferously supported the ongoing holocaust known as abortion, even partial-birth abortion. And he still shamelessly calls himself a Catholic.

* I won't go into the rumors of his drunken, sexist antics, since they are unsubstantiated rumors. (Which means "trailer trash" cocktail waitresses (think Paula Jones) were the only aggrieved complainers. We know they don't count. Previous presidential apologists have told us so.)

* The only good thing I can say about him is that he is a great politician

His brother John was a great man. His brother Robert was a great man. Ted Kennedy is not a great man. He's a national shame, but I wish him well.


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