
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ron Paul For the Long Haul

He's still in it, folks! Ron Paul has not dropped out. Here's an excerpt from the Washington Post:

"If it was just for the presidency, it would have ended a long time ago," says supporter Tom Martin, 50, a database administrator from State College, Pa. "The idea was to reinvigorate the Republican Party back to its principles and, more than that, to reinvigorate the American people back to its principles."

I'm asking those conservatives who don't like Dr. Paul to please hold their fire. You may not agree with everything he says (I don't), but he does have many good points when it comes to the constitution and how our politicians abuse it at every turn.

What I respect about him at this juncture is his decision to stay aboard that stinking, sinking ship known as the Republican Party. Ideological luminaries such as Pat Buchanan, Alan Keyes, and Bob Barr have already manned the lifeboats. I wish they would have stayed.

After failing to win friends and influence voters as a power-mad big spender, the GOP has become a craven, intellectually inbred beast. The GOP needs intellectual ferment, but it's driving some of the best (and occasionally odd) mind away, producing a bland pablum that conservatives and moderates everywhere are spitting out with disgust. They've reverted to your dad's Republican party before Ronald Reagan: Permanent patsy to the Democrats, bereft of ideas, politicians going along to get along, doing anything to cling to their seats. Ron Paul didn't drive the voters away, the cowards who abandoned their conservative principles did.

It's time for an ideological insurrection. Pitchfork Pat couldn't get 'er done, maybe Dr. Paul has the prescription.


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