
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dr Coburn Knows What Ails GOP

Dr. Tom Coburn is my favorite senator. He's a no nonsense MD who has remained true to fiscal conservatism. His diagnosis: Republicans are in denial. His prescription:

"Behave like Republicans. ...compassionate conservatism convinced the American people to elect the party that was truly skilled at activist government: the Democrats."

"Common sense and the Scriptures show that true giving and compassion require sacrifice by the giver. This is why Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell his possessions, not his neighbor's possessions. Spending other people's money is not compassionate."

"Regaining our brand as the party of fiscal discipline will require us to rejoin Americans in the real world of budget choices and priorities, and to leave behind the fantasyland of borrowing without limits. Instead of adopting earmarks, each Republican can adopt examples of government waste, largess and fraud, and restart the permanent campaign against big government."

Please drop a note to this good man. He is doing the Lord's work up on the hill. Unfortunately, even surrounded by Republicans, he is still virtually alone.


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