
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mr. Obama, You Don't Own The Presidency

No president has ever owned the presidency.  It belongs to the people.

Like all patriotic Americans, I'm fed up with the president's apologizing, bowing and scraping.  The latest disgrace took place in Japan when he bowed from the waist in deference to their emperor.

Here's a story Obama would do well to learn from...
When I was promoted to Master Sergeant, an older Senior NCO who I greatly respect took me aside, and in a time-honored tradition that predates the Air Force, gave me an old set of his stripes.  He also imparted this advice: 
Respect the rank the Air Force has appointed you to.  The respect and authority that goes with it is not yours to barter away or alter.  Be worthy of the rank and act appropriately.

You don't have the right to tell a subordinate to call you by your first name or to otherwise allow them to subvert your authority.  The privilege of the rank does not belong to you.  It is not yours to throw away.

Your rank belongs to the Air Force as an institution.  It belongs to all the men and women who have worn it in the past, as well as to those who will wear it in the future.

Respect that history, and just as important, preserve the respect and dignity of the rank for the Master Sergeants of the future.  The success of our force depends upon it.
It's not your presidency, Mr. Obama
George Washington didn't own it, nor did George Bush.  The institution is bigger than you and it is always more important than the person who temporarily occupies it at the pleasure of the voters.  The prestige of the Presidency is not yours to barter away.

The office you occupy was graced by truly great and historic men like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  Respect it! 

You lead the greatest nation in the history of the world.  Act like it!

Power Line - Why is this man bowing?
WSJ - Concerns Arise Around Obama Trip
Yahoo News


Redneck Ron said...

Everything is not as clear as the Mississippi. Those that have received rank are not always ones that deserve respect or needed to be called Sir. There are jerks in every pot and politics behind everydoor. Obama needs Presidency Viagra and his view of the office is of one that is skewed. Nothing new here!!! To another subject-You going to buy and read Palin's book?

Silverfiddle said...

No, I've got too many other books in the queue.

Snarky Basterd said...

LOVE the new email address.

Finntann said...

Having lived in Asia, it doesn't bother me as much as it might bother you, but apparently, Google doesn't work on the Blackberry he strove so hard to keep...ROFLMAO

Courtesy of

Let's begin learning how to bow properly in Japan. Bowing seems simple, but there are different ways of bowing. It depends on the social status or age of the person you bow to. If the person is higher status or older than you are, you should bow deeper and longer. It is polite to bow, bending from your waist. Men usually keep their hands in their sides, and women usually put their hands together on their thighs with their fingers touching. If it is a casual situation, you can bow like nodding. The most frequent bow is a bow of about 15 degrees. You might feel strange to do it, but try to bow in Japan. You will be considered very polite.

The issue isn't the fact that he bowed, but that he screwed it all up taking an obviously subservient position. He should have bowed no lower than the Emperor, establishing an equal relationship.

Protocol my ass... his protocol folks suck, if he used them at all.

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