
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Isn't Toyota USA In Trouble?

So the Big Three are asking for a government handout... You should write your representatives and ask them this question:
Why are the Big Three going broke and asking for taxpayer money while Toyota USA is expanding?
Ford, GM and Chrysler have become as sclerotic as the liberal states that host them. Like the failed state of Michigan, the Big Three promised goodies to the masses and now they have the gall to ask the American taxpayer to fund their generosity.
Note to nanny-state liberals (in government and on corporate boards): It's not generosity when you do it with other people's money!

If you want to get mad, go read this WSJ article about how GM pays people to not work. Speaker Pelosi is worried about excessive executive pay when she should be focusing on excessive executive stupidity.

So why isn't Toyota in trouble? Pro-union folks will tell you it's because down south they are able to exploit their workers. Well, maybe Detroit didn't exploit its workers, but it's now extorting money from the entire country as a reward.

Despite what Democrats tell us, our nation does not have one uniform economic policy. Each state and locality employs distinct taxation, employment and business laws that affect employment rates and wages. We can study these various economies to learn what works and what doesn't. People in Illinois, Ohio and Michigan can tell you that things ain't workin' there. Is it President Bush's fault, or is it the fault of corruption, high taxation, and business unfriendly state governments?

Professor Phil Gramm points the finger at dysfunctional state governments:
Business conditions were better in the successful states than in the lagging ones. Capital and labor gravitated to where the burdens were smaller and the opportunities greater.

No one should let Michigan politicians blame their problems solely on the decline of the U.S. auto industry.

Yes, Michigan lost 83,000 auto manufacturing jobs during the past decade and a half, but more than 91,000 new auto manufacturing jobs sprung up in Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Texas.
The facts show that soak the rich policies, over-regulation, and yes, overreaching unions, destroy jobs. States like Ohio and Michigan have only their failed liberal policies to blame. And the same can be said for the welfare queens who run the Big Three: They overpromised and undersold on pensions and benefits. You can pile the goodies sky high, but somebody has to pay the bill. Toyota knows this, as does Texas, Tennessee, and Florida.

Liberal Democrats and the press (but I repeat myself) will be trying to convince you otherwise.
Arm yourself against their economic nonsense by going here and reading the entire article on state economies. I also recommend you read everything written by the erudite and highly entertaining economics professor Walter E. Williams. Here is a quote from his web site:
"We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office."
-- Aesop

Walter E. Williams home page:

Gramm Article on State Economies


Anonymous said...

The entitlement mentality in union states is killing this country. Trying to insure a job as a "right" is about the quickest way there is to insure their scarcity.

Silverfiddle said...

Yup. And what really bugs me is we have real-world examples we can point to and learn from, but our stupid press and venal politicians aren't interested in that.

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