Finntann wrote in his blog about the decline of 'Civil-ization' in this country. While the polite still outnumber the rude, the ranks of the latter are growing.
Closely related to the rude are those who think the rules don't apply to them, or who have become successful but are resentful of having had to work so hard for it. Just look at the financial mess we are in: The rules didn't apply to the politicians and their crony capitalist friends. Next we have anger and resentment from those who have overcome poverty and racism to get where they are today. Millionaire Michelle Obama is a perfect example:
“You’re looking at a young couple that’s just a few years out of debt,” Obama said. “See, because, we went to those good schools, and we didn’t have trust funds.”We are the land of self-inflated entitlement: "I want it all and I want it now. I deserve it." No further explanation necessary.
My explanation? We are a conglomeration of self-absorbed entities casually bumping into one another. Sense of community is rapidly becoming a quaint ideal practiced only in small town America, where, according to certain elitists, the benighted hicks cling to their racism, guns and bibles.
We also don't realize that we are the spoiled rich brats living off of, and squandering, the inheritance of our forbears. No appreciation, just "give me the keys to the Beemer, Dad." And we drive off in ignorant bliss.
The freedoms we enjoy were bought and paid for with the blood of patriots. This economy, still the envy of the world despite current glitches, didn't just build itself. Capitalists and financiers, small business owners, inventors, and sinewy laborers built this nation by the sweat of their brow.
Conservatives will say the downhill slide started when we abandoned the ethos that taught: "You don't work, you don't eat," and they are right.
Progressives will say that capitalism without morals or rules has fueled rampant greed that is destroying our society, and they are right.
Cotton Mather said it best:
Virtue begat prosperity, and the daughter killed the mother.
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