
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dumb News, Funny Comment

WNBC out of New York features an article about kids getting burned on New York playgrounds because it's so hot. City council meetings have been held, parents are demanding signs be put up... It's a real crisis.

I guess people in New York don't know metal and asphalt got hot when the sun hits them. I'm waiting for a story this winter about a kid getting his tongue frozen to a metal flagpole. That'll probably make the front page.

Anyway, the best part of this dumb article was the comments section. Here is a comment from a nanny state nurtured Canadian, Victor Hallstrom, who demands a government solution. It's followed by my favorite comment, which comes from Texas Rick, of Lake Zurich, Illinois.

First, the Canadian's comment:
This is a disgrace. Clear negligence on part of those city officials. Why would NYC leave itself open to major lawsuits from parents of injured children? What sort of people wouldn't act immediately to solve this problem when it was brought to their attention a year ago? Not only should they be fired, they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for willful endangerment of minors causing grievous bodily harm. Where's the Mayor in all this? Why doesn't he act to protect our City's most vulnerable citizens?
Texas Rick, from Lake Zurich, Illinois responded:
Spoken like a true Canadian Victor. Let's get government to step in and do everything for us so we will never ever have to face the prospect of disappointment or accidents, etc. Maybe you socialist clowns at the northern branch office are used to bending over everytime the government needs money to ensure utopia, but down here, it goes over like sandpaper toilet tissue. Unfortunately,**** happens in life and no matter how big government gets, it will never be be able to save people from themselves and the sooner you learn to accept that, the better off you will be.
Who says Americans aren't helpful?


Anonymous said...

Silverfiddle said...

I went to the website recommended by anonymous. Go there and vote. I voted for the parents.

Dumb government + Dumb parents = kids with burned feet.

Who will save us from the government that was supposed to save us?

Reminds me of a John Wayne quote:
"Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid."

Dead Ringer said...

Amen to John Wayne's quote! This goes to the Government too!

Canadian Pragmatist said...

Ensuring child safety, gross. Good Amerikan conservatism prevails.

We're talking about children here; not adults. Playgrounds should be safe. I don't care because I don't have children (that haven't already been aborted -- should the gov't stay out of that too?) but I think a safe playground ain't too much to ask for, eh?

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