
Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Obamas: The Clintons Of The New Millennium

It's the "Dream Ticket." Obama - Clinton. An identity politics twofer: A person of color and a woman. An offer no good Democrat (or any guilty liberal for that matter) could possibly refuse. It would be the death of McCain's presidential aspirations.

But, the important question is: If you were Barack, would you want the Clintons hanging around? Calvin Woodward at AP has some funny, insightful analysis.

Finally, Sam Nunn might be in the picture. That would take the edge off of having the most inexperienced president in our nation's history.



Austin Fitness Trainer said...

What has O man accomplished? He was an activist for A.C.O.R.N, an absolutely currupt socialist organization, a chonically-absent-for-votes state legislator, a flagrant plagerizer of speeches, and he defeated Alan "Carpetagger" Keyes in a fluke election to become a do-nothing U.S. Senator.

Silverfiddle said...

Austin fitness Trainer: SO you're voting for Obama? Just kidding... Why don't we ever hear any of this stuff from the MSM?

Some people are voting for him precisely because of his community activism. Many more ignore the activism stuff and vote for him anyway.

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