
Friday, June 20, 2008

Government Can't Bring You Happiness

I'm a happy person. I like being around other happy people. Arthur C. Brooks has written a book entitled Gross National Happiness about happiness and how it affects societies. He identifies a "Happiness Gap" in America that splits religious conservatives and secular liberals. Guess who's happier?

Here are the factors he identifies as causing liberal unhappiness:

- Secularism
- Overreliance on government to solve your (and societies) problems
- An addiction to security

Here are the factors he cites that make conservatives a happier group:
- Faith in God

- Work (job satisfaction)

- Marriage and Family
- Charitable giving and volunteering
- Freedom (economic, political, religious)

This is just a very brief summary. For more entertaining details, read his latest piece here.

This backs up what I've believed for a long time. People who expect things from government are angry because they are disappointed. On the other hand, people who go out and git'r done for themselves are much happier. Many of the latter group don't have much, but what they got is theirs and they got it fair and square through their own hard work. That and a loving belief in God Almighty brings a satisfied happiness that no government program can ever hope to match.


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