
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fouad Ajami, American

Fouad Ajami is perhaps the most astute observer of the Middle East we have here in America.

He is a Shiite Muslim who grew up in Lebanon and immigrated to the US. He is now a US citizen, and a quite valuable one at that. He loves his adopted home and strives to educate his fellow Americans about the volatile region he came from.

Mr. Ajami, a professor at Johns Hopkins University, is a highly respected scholar and a gifted observer and writer. He travels often to the Middle East where he has many contacts and enjoys access to the region's political and religions leaders.

If you want to understand the Middle East, its history and the current affairs involving it, read anything by Professor Ajami. Google him and read to your heart's content. I've been reading him for a long time and have never found him to be in error.

He puts the Anti-Americanism "hype" of the latest PEW global survey in proper context. Here's a sample:

"Turkish anti-Americanism is no doubt fueled by the resentment within Turkey of the American war in Iraq that gave protection and liberty to the Kurds. No apology is owed the Turks; indeed, it is they who must reconsider their intolerance of minorities. If the Turks were comfortable with the abnormality of Iraq under Saddam Hussein, it is they who have a problem."
See why I love this man? Please follow the link and read his latest article. You'll feel better about your country when you're done.

Link to Professor Ajami's commentary on the PEW global survey.


Anonymous said...

The Professor has a point about the Kurds. I would like to thank you for promoting the fact that Iraq (and the surge) is now a great success. The Kurds and Shi'ites have suffered greatly during the Saddam years and it is nice that they are finally getting their day in the sun.

I find it funny that all of a sudden, we have a bunch a fruit loops in the blogo-sphere that are crying about how Christians are being treated in Iraq. Where were these clowns before, many of them never supported the coalition.


Silverfiddle said...

Ohio Joe: It's because the fruit loops you describe have always had one singular agenda: Bash President Bush. As you point out, they didn't care about the Iraqis when Saddam was in power and they don't care now. All they care about is smearing the president, and they'll latch onto anything to do it.

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