
Monday, April 28, 2008

Government-Sponsored Hunger, High Prices

The Grocery bill keeps Going higher. No news there for anyone who eats. Brett Arends over at the Wall Street Journal explains why.

“The main reason for rising prices, of course, is the surge in demand from China and India. Hundreds of millions of people are joining the middle class each year, and that means they want to eat more and better food.
A secondary reason has been the growing demand for ethanol as a fuel additive. That's soaking up some of the corn supply.”

Can’t do much about increased prosperity in the developing world… What we can do is write our congress persons and senators and demand they end the perverse government incentives that are skewing the grain markets and sowing further panicked speculation in other commodities. If ethanol is such a great idea, let it stand on its own. Our government encourages taking from the mouths of hungry humans to feed our hungry vehicles. Another fine example of our tax dollars at work.


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