I am fed up with Bush Derangement Syndrome sufferers using veterans’ issues to take jabs at the president. Helping our vets is too important an issue to be hijacked by ranters and ravers with ideological or partisan political agendas.
If you want to help our troops, here’s some advice: Find a credible veterans’ advocacy organization and volunteer your time or donate money. What are the hallmarks of a good veterans’ organization?
1. It is non-partisan. It enjoys the friendship of Democratic and Republican politicians alike. It turns away help from no one.
2. It doesn’t engage in name-calling or other inflammatory language. It stays focused on the mission of helping our troops.
3. It is influential and has an effective lobbying effort (yes, there are good lobbyists.)
4. It avoids being co-opted by other people or organizations with political or ideological agendas unrelated to helping vets.
5. It won’t be represented at anti-war rallies or peace protests.
6. Many good veterans organizations can be found at patriotic events such as holidays or memorial dedications for fallen heroes.
7. It doesn’t diminish its message by gratuitously criticizing elected officials.
8. It often criticizes government policies, but does so in a constructive manner, offering solutions along with criticism.
There are many good ways to help our veterans. Joining in with the haters and hidden agenda crowd isn’t one of them. They are exploiting people of good will, (and most despicably, our veterans) to their own ideological ends. Avoid them. Below are links to some of the good guys: Visit them and give.
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