
Monday, May 11, 2009


The US, along with a few like-minded allies, is the only country left with the balls to confront bad people, but that is changing. For the worst.

Do the Russians and the Chinese have balls? Sure, but when they find bad guys, they turn them to their own use (Think Iran's Mullas, North Korea).

The US simply wipes the bad guys out or politically rehabilitates them.

Look at who we've rehabilitated in just the very recent past: Anbar Sunnis, Salvadorian leftist rebels, Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Noriega's political party. These were all US "enemies" who have been restored within their own political systems. How often does that happen in the Russian, Chinese or Middle Eastern sphere?

Pirates and International Terrorists can't be Rehabilitated, Only Eliminated

Just ask the first Democratic president, Thomas Jefferson. He knew how to eliminate international threats to the US: Dispatch the US Navy to kill the bad guys. C'mon Democrats! More Jefferson, less Carter! We risk looking so weak that our enemies will become emboldened .

Why Do International Gangsters Run Free?

I don't just blame President Obama's scraping and bowing before tyrants and the international weak sisters who enable them; I blame European governments who are ashamed to fight over anything bigger than a soccer match.

If we had a strong coalition of Western powers, along with Japan and India, that unapologetically killed bad guys and broke their stuff everywhere we found them, crap like piracy and international terrorism would cease.

As it is now, bad guys pit Mommy (Europe and their UN weak sisters) against Daddy (US). Dad's got the belt, but mommy begs him not to use it, and little Johnny Jihad skips off to his next marketplace bombing.

I blame Obama, I blame snotty Europeans who criticize us while lounging under our security umbrella, I blame any nation that is ashamed to stand up for what's right. To their credit, France and India are are not putting up with this crap. The US military could squash these Somali rats if only we weren't afraid of offending the International House of Corruption and Scandal known as the UN.

The only people left who have any balls are the bad guys. Guess where this leads?

Lowry - SL Trib


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